Chapter 38: Your Soothing Voice

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       About a week later, Jimin was still holding the thought back in his mind each time he stepped out of the room to feast on something even through the pain burning his neck once again. The man paced around in his thoughts. Even if it was a week ago where he confronted Hoseok, those words remained fresh in his mind like he was just told about them a second ago. Hauntingly, Jimin found it difficult to even lay down with Jungkook on those nights where the boy would cuddle up in his arms. Reminding him of the way Hyunwon would do the same.

        As troubling as it was, Jimin refused to even focus on the truth when he held Jungkook in his arms every night. But since Jimin couldn't really sleep at all, he was left with eight hours of true torture every night for the past week. Everything about Jungkook seemed so much like Hyunwon, it was difficult for Jimin to actually dissociate reality and what once was. Every second he spent looking into the eyes of the perfect little lamb before his very own fearsome wolf gaze, he found many things that were similar and only little that were different from Hyunwon. That's when Jimin began to notice that a bit of his bottled grief along the years began to grow until Jungkook stood before him. Feeding into it more.

      One late night, Jungkook snuggled up with Jimin and closed his eyes to rest over the man he longed for. There the boy laid, sleeping over Jimin's chest like a child while Jimin brushed his gloved fingers through his hair carefully. Counting the seconds it took for Jungkook to fall asleep and also consider the seconds it took before the same memories that were engraved into his mind, were to return to him seconds after.

     Just as Jimin laid there, he closed his eyes and became envious. He wished to escape his thoughts and longed to dream just like Jungkook. But he couldn't. Ever since he was a baby, he never grew tired and remained awake with his mother as his father was swept into his slumber. The way Jimin looked down at this little raven embodied envy when it came to sleeping. Such a feeling left him curious to dream and experience going to sleep with no interruption for just eight hours at best.

      As Jimin watched Jungkook sleep, the small thought of Hoseok's words surfaced into his mind as he only opened his red eyes and realized that the thoughts came in right on time like every other night. Those truthful words haunted him but  all he could do now was bear with it for another night. However, this night seemed different... this night seemed as if he could no longer take in another endless torture for the next eight hours. Jimin began to tear up as the truth began to drown him once again.

       "I can't do this..." Jimin thought before he looked down and moved the boy to rest by his side. After Jimin moved Jungkook over, the sleepy boy began to wake up when he noticed Jimin stand up from the bed and pace around. Jimin paced around anxiously in his loose silk pajamas; only longing to wear comfortable clothes so Jungkook would sleep over him and rest his head over the silk fabric. Jimin only wore this outfit just so Jungkook wouldn't find himself uncomfortable in any situation.

      As Jimin walked around the room to himself, he ran his hands along his hair and pushed his bangs back in frustration while tears raced down his eye. "I can't do this again and again..." Jimin thought until he picked up the sound of the bed covers rustling behind him.

       "Mh... Jimin... are you okay?" Jungkook asked curiously and sat up. The boy was awakened the moment he was moved off of Jimin's comfortable chest and longed to know what was keeping him up. " can always talk to me... please..." Jungkook worried and switched on a nearby lamp to look at Jimin. The moment Jungkook's eyes met with Jimin's red gaze, he grew worried to see that there were tears racing down his right eye. Showing that he was crying so much, but he couldn't sob or hitch his breath because of course, some parts of him were dead while the others weren't. "Come here... talk to me..." Jungkook then held out his arms towards the man and watched him walk over to him slowly.

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