Chapter 4: He's Different

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       The mysterious man's posture was kept straight; his body looked as if it was frozen in place and even a mere movement didn't seem to exist in his book. At this point, Jungkook couldn't tell if the man was even breathing! His voice was soothing but his presence was jarring. No matter what this man planned to say or do, Jungkook never felt more afraid.

There were many things that made Jungkook anxious; meeting new people he knew nothing about, being the one to carry a conversation, or even being stared at in public. But with the mysterious man standing right before him, staring underneath his plague doctor mask and standing completely still, Jungkook threw away all of his fears and replaced them with the man in the plague doctor mask. His eyes averted from the still man as he began to take in deep breaths, trying to ease his rapid heart beats once the feeling of being stared at from before, completely tripled with the man standing right infront of him.

"Hm..? Wouldn't you want another room? Far from this cold place?" The man asked once more and dropped his head down to the side. With the only movement coming from his head tilting to the right, Jungkook coughed up a word to quickly respond to the man.

"I...I.. I think..."

"You think?"

"I think... I think I should go now..." Jungkook sputtered and handed the key over to the masked man in a tremble until he accepted it.

"Leaving so soon? I would hate to see a customer go because of a broken lock. Maybe Seokjin shouldn't have given you a room on this floor... it's his fault on that part," continued the man before he slowly hid his hands behind his back with the key.

The lights flickering on and off so suddenly made it even difficult for Jungkook to focus on what the man was saying. Not even at that moment could the boy hear the gentle rasp to the man's voice under his own constant heavy breathing that blocked out any other sounds. Jungkook tried to compose himself before he would faint, there was no way he planned on being taken to another room with this man if he lost consciousness.

"This floor... is off limits..."

"W-Why is that?"

"For someone who seems to be scared, you surely don't hold back from asking questions. What a curious boy..." continued the gentle voice of the man. "As you can see, this floor is very cold... the lights are flickering and some locks to the rooms are broken. This is no place for a customer like you, I do apologize....?"

"J-Jeon Jungkook..."

"Jeon Jungkook. Well, I do apologize, Mr. Jeon. Please return to the lobby with your key and ask that Seokjin gives you a new one. Preferably a room from the third floor. Far from this one. Here, take the key back," with the sound of his pleasant voice falling into silence, he held the key out to the boy and stood quietly until Jungkook stepped forward to take it back. However, the man in the plague doctor mask didn't dare to make the tension less eerie by saying another word. His gaze latched onto Jungkook and only Jungkook.

Jungkook finally pushed his gaze upwards and locked onto the ominous man once more before he quickly turned around and walked towards the elevator. The way the man's eyes dug through the black holes of the mask where his eyes should be, burned deep within Jungkook's mind; no matter what he tried to picture, the image of that horrifying man was permanently engraved into his brain.

"Welcome to The Raven Hotel," The man concluded without another sign of movement as he continued to stare at Jeon Jungkook.

The feeling of being pelted with the horrific stare didn't let up until Jungkook stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to the lobby so abruptly. His finger trembled as he pushed the button and before he knew it, he looked up at the closing doors to see the man's head follow along with where the boy stood. His position was glued pointed towards Jungkook and nothing but silence continued to burn between them. After, the doors finally closed and the music turned on. Not once did Jungkook hear a word or a sound coming from the unknown man when he first approached him. But now that Jungkook knew about him, he promised himself to never return to the sixth floor since his curiosity already pushed him into this hotel he knew nothing about.

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