Chapter 6: A Weak Lamb

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         Seokjin rushed Jungkook forward, cautiously looking around before he slammed his hand against the button to open the doors to the elevator. Just as the two rushed in, Seokjin quickly pressed on the button for the third floor until the doors closed once more.

      "What's going on? Why do you look so afraid?" Jungkook questioned the older man. Watching Seokjin hand over the backpack and finally exhale. "Are you... running from someone?"

     "What? No, of course not!" Seokjin replied and let out another nervous chuckle. "I was... I was just trying to leave my spot for a bit. I can't stand staying in one place for so long..."

      "So long? Why couldn't you ask any of your coworkers nearby to cover for you?"

      "Oh... I guess I should have told you that I'm the only one working at the front desk... there are...other workers... but no one else should work the front desk... just me."

       "I'm sure Jimin will understand if you decide to step away from the-"

        "Stop saying his name so freely! I didn't say it, you found the name on your own, alright?" Seokjin interrupted the boy and left Jungkook raising a brow. "Anyway, I... I wanted to help you to your room, I can tell you aren't in the best state right now, so I want to make sure you get to your room safely."

      "Everyone is so kind here... why are they so nice to me? Is it because I'm a new guest? If they're all this clingy, I don't think this will be good for their business," Jungkook thought and looked at Seokjin once more. "What's so scary about his name? Don't tell me you're afraid of your own boss!"

       "I'm not afraid of him... I just know what he is and I know my boundaries..." Seokjin whispered.

      The older yet, charming man spoke in puzzles once again and didn't seem to follow up with an explanation as to why he said the things he did. He just found it too difficult to add on to the words he told Jungkook and hoped the curious boy would take his word. But sadly, Jungkook refused to take his warnings and kept picking at many things due to being very curious in times where he shouldn't.

        At this point, Jungkook no longer bothered to ask Seokjin any questions about Jimin and hoped to find answers on his own. In a way, he sensed that Jimin was a very scary man, not only did he wear a cryptic mask and was very intimidating, but the way Seokjin flinched at the sound of his actual name rolling off the tongue of someone else's mouth, was enough to show that Jimin or the 'Master' was really a frightening man. However, this was the only thing Jungkook could think of at the time.

       Jungkook was silent afterwards, his hand latched onto the temple of his head and gently massaged it to soothe his headache that came and went. No matter what feeling overcame him, he wished to return back to Namjoon like a child and beg for his help. However, he never wished to confront the situation that occurred the night before. The weak lamb had rather hoped that the situation would burn out and it would no longer be relevant for the two. That's what he did for every situation he faced with Namjoon; brush it off and keep moving on when the wound was still kept open.

       "If only... if only Namjoon knew where I was... he would help me..." Jungkook spoke softly and sighed through his chapped lips after they dried multiple times. The boy was very weak and pale, so his lips also lacked color and grew dry each time he would wet them.

      "Namjoon?" Seokjin repeated and questioned the boy curiously. "Is he your brother?"

       "No..." Jungkook replied softly as the elevator came to a stop on the third floor. "He's my roommate, but of course, I see him like an older brother, so in a way, yes, yes he is," the young boy added on as the doors finally pulled ajar.

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