Chapter 34: What I Am

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    "What on earth are you doing, Jungkook?!" Hoseok called out and made the boy stop in place to turn around and see the angry masked man approach him. "This isn't according to plan!"

       "What happened out there, Jungkook?" Seokjin asked as he removed his own mask to look at the boy with his worried yet judgy glare.

       "AH- I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT!" Jungkook shouted frustratingly as his eyes focused onto Seokjin. "I didn't want to kill him... how do you expect me to pull through with a plan like that if that alone will traumatize me even when everyone is free?! I don't want to live like that... live knowing that I killed the only person who showed me care and security for once in my life!"

       "But how do you expect us to-"

       "You guys just love to think of everyone but me! Am I excluded from the rest?! Am I not part of everyone? No, I guess I'm not just because Jimin cares about me more... it's like a punishment... you tend to let me handle the worst part and make me feel bad that Jimin cares about me. If you all want to leave right now, go! He's probably too busy hiding up in his room to even care!"

       "You really don't know how this place works, do you? Of course, I wouldn't blame you! If I was being pampered and blinded by a monster, I wouldn't know either!" Hoseok hissed and with that, Seokjin, slowly set the man back and stood closer to Jungkook. The Prince Charming himself, kept an uneasy glare at the boy as he listened to his words further.

       "There are many reasons as to why we haven't tried to escape even with many resources! There are alarms and even a camera surveillance! Not to mention, no signal at all! So back when you asked me for a phone charger, I hid it from you since having a phone here will NEVER work! We've tried it all and lost so many people in the process, Jungkook! This place is a prison. Anyone who escapes, an alarm will sound and they are dead the next second."

       "Th-Then look for another way!"

        "We had another plan, but since that monster ran off, we couldn't set the trap off! That chandelier was supposed to drop and Hoseok was supposed to run in and save you from it just so it could crush Jimin! But then, he ran away and we couldn't set it! Do you know how hard it was to trick that chandelier?! All for nothing now... you didn't even have to kill him for that plan, just distract him and keep him in place but of course, it was ruined the moment you two locked lips and he ran off!"

      "What are we going to do now? It's going to take forever to plan the next one! Those were the only ones we had planned and some of us won't survive to see the next!"

        "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to kill in order to save your lives... I'll try to find another way, I promise!" Jungkook spoke as Hoseok only removed his own mask and showed his tears falling from his weak yet precious face that no longer carried a smile. "I'm sorry... I have to go..."

       "Then go! Run back to your little monster, Hyunwon," Hoseok bickered and walked away, drying his own tears as Seokjin only looked at the boy once more before following along with Hoseok.

       Jungkook drowned in his guilt as the many eyes within the party fixed onto him like guns aiming at a target. The boy shook away his fears and finally left. Still shaking and thinking back at how he was able to confront Hoseok and Seokjin like this. Yet, of course he still felt bad since he now understood their side of the story... The best he could do now was try to steer Jimin away from doing these things further. Jungkook knew there was something good in the man he grew so close to, so there was a chance he could free everyone without killing Jimin with his own hands. All it took now was time, time for him to reveal more to the man's personality.

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