Chapter 60: An Eternal Love (FINALE)

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     Some apologies Jungkook heard before never made sense to him, they never carried such emotion like the one Jimin just whispered into his ear as his tears raced down his eye. But now that Jungkook understood the importance of such an apology through Jimin, he felt as if he was relieved after all the fear of losing his lover was no more. Jungkook had nothing to be afraid of since the one he wanted forever with, was right in front of him. Taking back all the pain he caused and learning to move forward with his true love.

        Jungkook slid his right hand down to Jimin's hand until he removed his leather glove and intertwined his warm fingers with Jimin's cold touch. Allowing his own hand to endure the feeling longer as Jungkook grew numb to the feeling.

       "I forgive you, Jimin... I know it isn't easy getting over such a thing like that, but I'm so happy you talked to me about this!" whispered Jungkook. "Even the little things to our moments... I treasure them all..."

      Jimin rubbed the boy's knuckles with his cold thumb as he could already see the tips of Jungkook's fingertips turning pink by the second. Leaving Jimin to slowly pull his hand away and reach for his black glove. Leaving Jungkook to tug the man over his sleeve, wanting to continue holding his hand.

      "Why did you... pull away?"

       "Your hand is freezing, my love... I don't want you to keep doing this if it's hurting you," Jimin replied and placed on the glove right after. "I can't touch you in the same place for that long or else it will make you very uncomfortable..."

       "Even a little hand hold seems to be too much for my warm body..." Jungkook thought before he instantly recalled Hoseok and Seokjin's words. Now that he was able to talk to Jimin about their situation and handle it well, he didn't see why he couldn't bring up the many people in this hotel. "Jimin..."

      "Yes?" Jimin whispered into his deep and raspy whisper. Looking into the eyes of his true love and running his hand up Jungkook's face to hold it in his hands carefully.

       "Jimin, I... I want to ask something of you," Jungkook whispered and closed his eyes to lean his face over Jimin's glove just to rub the side of his face against the gentle leather. "Please... don't be upset when I ask this..."

       "I won't be upset. Talk to me, my love," Jimin whispered softly and pressed his forehead against Jungkook's to hear him out.

        "I... I want to ask if you could... release everyone from this hotel..." Jungkook whispered and with that Jimin slightly pulled back from the sound of his request and looked him in the eyes. "I... I don't want you to keep them here any longer! Please, let them go... they can't be your source for blood."


       "Imagine the pain they must have endured living here. The many years of pain they woke up to. Jimin, I don't want you to harm others anymore... I want you to find another way to consume instead of harming innocent people and keeping them held captive. They have lives, innocent lives," Jungkook continued and left Jimin looking into his eyes in worry.

         "To let everyone go.... what will become of me then? I not only keep many people here to consume and drain them... but I keep them here just to avoid being alone. Jungkook, I hate consuming them alive and seeing them draw their last breath but I can't help it! It's a part of me that I was born with. This curse is something I can't get rid of... my family chose to run this hotel because my father never wanted to feel as if he was all alone as a human being. Carrying this hotel for all my life, I've grown to enjoy the presence of others when I was alone. Even if I can't control myself, I can't... I can't let them leave! What if I'm all alone again when you pass on?"

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