Chapter 21: He's a Monster

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       "Seokjin!" Jungkook called out and smiled happily. Glad to see that the older attendant was still around. After being held captive for such a long time, Jungkook was finally excited to see someone he hasn't been in contact with in such a long time. "It's been a while..."

      Seokjin flinched and quickly stood in front of the cart. Completely blocking Jungkook from seeing anything else that sat over the cart.

      "J-Jungkook? What are you doing here?!" Seokjin sputtered and quickly pulled the cart out so the door to the guest room would close completely. "Are you supposed to be in the room? How are you still alive?!"

       "I... I had to visit someone up here. I won't take that long!" Jungkook assured and approached the man. Yet, Seokjin was paler than ever just knowing that the boy was no longer locked up in the room. "And... what do you mean by, how am I still alive?"

       "I would have expected him to hurt you once you escaped! You should return... please return to his room, you wouldn't want to upset the Master again!" Seokjin continued and watched Jungkook shake his head.

        "I... I came to see's been quite a while since I've seen him so, please let me see him. Then, I'll return to Jimin, I promise!" Jungkook continued on and stopped at the thought of Jimin. "I have important things to talk about with Hoseok... things I've seen and questioned. I just want to get this over with so I can return before Jimin finds out that I'm not there!" Jungkook begged and watched Seokjin's eyes grow wide while his hands latched tightly onto the small rails to the cart. Just as Jungkook begged the man, he realized the items over the cart and began to wonder about the unopened syringes in their plastic bags, the container that seemed to carry many things and the plastic tubes as well.

      "Jungkook, go back to the room. Y-You'll thank me later! I-"

       "Seokjin, what is that?" Jungkook wondered and watched the older tremble at the question.

       "Th-this? Oh... oh it's nothing, really! Just a few things for me to move to the storage room, that's all!" Seokjin continued and watched Jungkook tilt his head and observe the things closely.

       "Why does this place need syringes... and tubes...? Jungkook asked again as Seokjin only held his own breath and left silence to drown the hall. "Is there something in the container?"

        "Nothing... there's nothing in there!" Seokjin replied and left a worried gaze to surface on the boy's pale face. "Ah, I'll let you see Hoseok! But please keep it short and brief so you can return back to the room safely," Seokjin changed the conversation as Jungkook kept looking at the container.

        "A-Answer the question first, Seokjin...."

        "I can't answer that question right now. It's a long story I don't have time to tell... of course, I'm not the person to tell it so soon! I'm sorry, but I have to leave right now. I can't afford to be a second late," Seokjin continued and hauled the cart while Jungkook just stared and watched Seokjin struggle to pull it with him.

        "I'm sorry too... Do you need any help with that? Being here tends to make everyone weak, so I will be more than happy to help out..." Jungkook requested. Stepping forward to see the man only shake his head quickly.

        "I wouldn't want you to wear yourself out! Just, please, do what you've planned to do in the first place and if I see Jimin around, I will stall to give you more time!" Seokjin assured and with that, he pulled the cart further and stopped at the first door to the right; the room Hoseok lived in. Without another word being shared, Seokjin made a rhythmic knock onto the door. Leaving Jungkook to raise a brow. "Give him a moment... he's a little... drained..." Seokjin whispered before latching his gaze onto the cart and continued to pull it away.

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