Chapter 55: The Book Entry

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Jimin proceeded to lock lips with Jungkook just underneath him. In seconds his energy was built back up, so he was no longer exhausted compared to Jungkook at the moment.

"Whenever... whenever you want, I'll be ready if you beg for more..." Jimin whispered in between the soft kisses in which, Jungkook exhaled in between to catch his own breath at the same time.

With the sound of Jimin's word sliding into the younger's mind, he smiled into the kiss and suddenly began to laugh as Jimin smiled at the sight of the boy. Laughing in his arms and pressing his forehead against his in that moment. The way Jimin stared at the younger was like he had nothing else in his mind but him.

In every way, Jimin wanted to believe Jungkook was all he had in his mind. But at times, that wasn't entirely true. The way he smiled, giggled, turned red at the slightest whispers and spoke, was sadly, something Jimin has seen all before. It was hard at times for him to see Jungkook differently. When he did, it would only be in those moments he touched him, made love to him, and kissed him over his breathless lips. But any other moment aside from that, Jimin had issues he never longed to let go at times which affected the way he saw Jungkook entirely.

Yes, he did look at the younger in his arms; trying to calm his endless thoughts that circled around his past beloved who was brought up in so many ways through Jeon Jungkook. Park Jimin didn't let go of the past even if it was so long ago, just like his parents, Jimin refused to let anyone go in his life. He was a hoarder, a man who kept many things hidden and locked up to keep his long and eternal life free of any pain. Jimin just believed he couldn't get hurt if he refused anything new and refused letting go of the old. Not knowing that this was truly the root of his problems.

"Did you forget that I'm a human? I think I'll die of exhaustion. You may recover in seconds but I can't," Jungkook responded and cupped Jimin's face right before his. "I'm going to sleep now, I'll see you in the morning." Jungkook then kissed him over his lips once more and finally laid back against the bed to close his eyes right after. Leaving Jimin alone with his own thoughts for hours on end until Jungkook was to wake up.

Jimin watched the boy close his eyes and try to count sheep as Jimin tilted his head and continued to stare at him.

"Hyunwon..." Jimin thought and ran his hand up Jungkook's pale chest to brush Jungkook's hair back to expose his forehead. The way his hair was now set back now looked just like the way Hyunwon had it. This alone left Jimin to stare for a moment before pulling his hand back and watching a few strands of Jungkook's hair fall forward. Leaving the vampire to then turn away and drop right next to the boy right after. No longer wanting to bother Jungkook as he tried to sleep.

There the boy laid. Still recalling the way Jimin rolled his hair back in seconds and said nothing, did nothing. He didn't leave a peck on his forehead nor did he whisper to the boy. He only rolled his soft and black silk hair back and left Jungkook rethinking about Hyunwon within the picture.

"He's still thinking about him even after what we just did... does he have to roll my hair back and think of him at the same time? We made love and not once did I hear that man's name come out of his lips. Please tell me he still doesn't think of us as the same..." Jungkook thought and suddenly listened to Jimin shuffle his body and turn until he faced the boarded window in his direction. Leaving Jungkook to think that Jimin's mind was lost in the same thoughts of Hyunwon once again.

"I lost him... ah, what do I have to do to make him think we're different? I can't be a complete spitting image of Hyunwon... and I can't ask him for any differences between me and that man because he will get upset," Jungkook thought and opened his eyes to look at the shelf far beyond his reach. Thinking of the old book Jimin would write all the time. Jungkook continued to stare at the book until he closed his eyes once more. "I'm scared of making him upset while he doesn't feel the same way towards me in this situation... he doesn't think it's a problem, but to me it is... it is in so many ways. I'm his Jungkook, not his Hyunwon. If I do read what he keeps hidden, will I see him the same way?"

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