Chapter 11: Remember

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Jimin stepped into the room with Jungkook in his arms; struggling and still kicking even if he already lost. What surprised Jungkook is that no matter how hard he kicked and fussed, Jimin still kept his posture and dragged the boy inside the room he was bound to now. Jimin then dropped the boy onto a nearby chair and turned around to ensure that the door was locked.

"That's much better..." Jimin hushed and locked the doors with a gentle hum locked within his plump lips.

"P-Please... let me go... I have a wife and kids-"

Instantly, Jimin's humming stopped as he suddenly let out another hollow laugh. "Oh, do you?" Jimin asked and scoffed right after. Replaying Jungkook's words over and over again in his dark mind. "Of course you do... I don't believe that and neither can you. Stop lying to me, it won't get you to a safe place."

"...I-I just want to go home!" Jungkook continued and locked his gaze onto the ground. What more could he possibly do? His body became frail like glass and each time he pushed himself and caused pressure to press down on it, he would fall onto the ground and lose the energy to get back up again. So, fighting off Jimin again to escape, didn't seem like a good idea.

"What part of the note did you not understand? It was more of a rule than a warning, now you follow it and stay here," Jimin spoke softly and turned around, leaning his back against the wall and staring at Jungkook with his dark brown eyes. The boy finally looked up in fear and noticed the shift in Jimin's eye color. This only left him to wonder, what happened to the vibrant red that beamed from his gaze earlier?

"I...I just don't want to be here... I want to go home..."

"Home...?" Jimin questioned and let out another laugh. "Is that your catchphrase? You sound ridiculous right now... asking for the same thing when I denied it many times already. Can't you read the room? You're not leaving... get it through your mind, Jungkook."

"What do you want from me? What could you possibly want? Do you want money to keep your hotel up and going? I don't have much but you can drain me of all I have! Just please... I want to get out of he-"

"I don't want your money, Jungkook," Jimin whispered and folded his hands before pacing around the boy sitting on the chair. "What I want... is-"

"I-I'm a virgin! Please, I can't!"

"..." Jimin silenced himself and laughed again. "Don't flatter yourself, Jungkook. I don't want that either. What do you take me as? A creepy man that just pursues sexual favors?"

"Then... wh-what do you want?...Do you want to...k-kill me?"

"No," Jimin answered and finally stood before the boy. Looking into his eyes as he kept his posture bent over to face Jungkook and keep his cold hands hidden behind his back.

Jungkook observed every detail of Jimin's pale face; he could count the strands of his hair falling over his forehead and the many diamonds hidden within his dark brown gaze. All Jungkook found within his gaze was a hollow soul that was lost; just like him. But, the boy couldn't pity Jimin already, not when he kept him captive and refused his freedom.

"You owe me something..."

"I-I WILL PAY FOR THE ROOM I PROMISE!" Jungkook panicked. Digging his weak fingernails against the leather of the seat he grew tied to.

"No, not that... do you... remember me?"

Jungkook took another moment to look hard at the man standing in front of him before looking away anxiously. "No, maybe you have the wrong guy!"

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