Chapter 26: What He Knows

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  Jungkook recalled the moment he stepped into Hoseok's hotel room with the help of Seokjin and learned the many things about Jimin. The way that his eyes beamed red at times, the way that his body never moved even for a moment to breathe, and how cold Jimin's hands would be. The truth struck fear into Jungkook and left him sitting over the bed with his hands over his face as the memory became clear to him now. He didn't drink at the kitchen of the hotel, he only drank at Hoseok's hotel room to avoid getting drained. Yet, that didn't seem to stop Jimin at all since Jungkook now realized that he was weak again as if he was drained while he was sleeping.

"A vampire... that's what he is..." Jungkook thought and recalled the plan of what he had to do now. He had to get closer to the man and soon find out his weakness. However, it was easier said than done. Jungkook couldn't help but to feel a little hesitant towards the plan of killing Jimin. Of course, it had to be done by Jungkook and no one else. Jungkook was the boy who was going to strip away Jimin's walls and break him down until he was vulnerable. The plan seemed doable, yet so far from his reach when Jungkook didn't want to chase after it at all.

They became closer in some way, but Jungkook couldn't point out how that came to be. Did something happen last night that caused him to feel so safe in the arms of the villain? Jungkook knew Jimin was not a good man and that he shouldn't fall for only the nicer side of him, yet, Jungkook couldn't help but to feel afraid. Afraid of having to harm someone that has only shown him the brighter side of him so far.

"Jimin..." Jungkook called out. Longing to tell Jimin that he knew the truth to what he was now, but as Jungkook thought more about it, he hesitated and held his breath. Fearing what could follow after he would reveal his knowledge. "I don't know what he would do to me if he found out what I know... it's too soon. My only job is to strip away his guard and leave him vulnerable... so I can't start this off by letting him know what I've been told. I'm going to need him to trust me in order to strip away those walls that guard him. Or else, He'll find out too soon," Jungkook planned out and sat up right after. "But why do I feel so unsure?"

"Yes, Jungkook?" Jimin wondered. Slowly, the boy made it back to reality where his thoughts no longer blocked out the sounds of the outside world. "What do you need?"

"Nothing... I just wanted to know what you will be making for me. Nothing more..." Jungkook answered and pondered his thoughts. It was true, his confusing mind didn't allow him to think right especially with his weak body and hungover state.

"I won't make much, just seaweed soup to rebuild your health..." Jimin answered. Instantly knowing what to serve Jungkook because of how frail he became overnight. Of course, it was no longer a surprise to Jungkook. At this point, he now knew that Jimin fed off of him as his punishment. So the boy only sat there and tried to sort out his thoughts in order to carry on with the plan. It was his only hope along with the many innocent people within this grim hotel. All the pressure fell onto him now.

"Thank you," Jungkook responded and guided his trembling fingers along the folds of the blanket below him. "Jimin, I'm a little curious... what did I talk about last night?"

"You spoke about your addiction and why you do it. So of course, I offered my support to you. I wasn't sure if I should speak about serious things to you since you weren't in the right mind, but I made sure you were heard and you were told many things you were never told before," Jimin confessed and stood in the kitchenette, boiling water for the seaweed soup. "I was only making sure you were feeling well yesterday night, nothing else happened I can assure you that."

"Really...? Thank you... I... I wonder what were the words I longed to hear..." Jungkook asked, not noticing a big smile erupting from Jimin's face as he stood in the kitchen all alone.

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