Chapter 15: A Cold Touch

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Jungkook stood right in front of Jimin; desperately trying to ease his steady breathing while his hands wrapped around his body to conceal his exposed skin underneath the bathrobe. Jungkook desperately tried to form sentences while he looked Jimin in the eyes; but those terrifying flares of red within his sharpening gaze, were enough to silence him right on the spot. Yet, he knew he couldn't continue his silence. Jimin was still waiting on an answer.

"I... I was only coming to wash up and change my clothes... surely you wouldn't be against that, right?" Jungkook replied into a question and watched Jimin's slow but tempting movements over the bed; guiding his gloved hand over his own shoulder and resting it there before his head tilted at the sight of the boy.

The burning tension Jimin displayed towards the boy, left Jungkook hugging himself tighter than before. He was curious to know what Jimin would do, and now that he got what he wished for, Jungkook wanted to run away to avoid this confrontation.

"You did realize... that there's a bathroom in my room along with clothes I offered with no strings attached..." Jimin spoke through his raspy whisper. Jungkook watched the man slowly slide his hand down from his own shoulder and drag down his perfectly sculpted chest where his dress shirt began to outline every crease to his pale muscles underneath.

"I have my own clothes here," Jungkook shot back and suddenly allowed a scoff to escape his lips. His curiosity took over and he no longer wanted to run from the man. He wanted to be brave for once and confront Jimin without fear weighing his helpless body down. "I chose to leave the room. It's not like I longed to run out of this hotel. If I did, what would you do? I left the room... so what now? What will you do to me, Jimin?" Jungkook wondered and stepped forward. Secretly hiding the fact that his legs weighed him down onto the ground every step he took forward to face Jimin.

"Do you really want to know what's next?" Jimin asked and moved his head back with a smirk erupting from his pale and perfect face. "Do you... really want to test me, Jungkook?" Jimin asked and raised his hand up to his lips before he closed his eyes and slowly but onto the finger tips of the leather gloves. Biting onto the leather and slowly pulling his pale hand out of the glove right after.

Jungkook watched Jimin remove his gloves and suddenly look back at the boy with a beaming red hue erupting from his glare. Jungkook remained looking at the mysterious man until he stood up.

"So... you escaped the room and believe you can go against me... talk back to me and disobey my words..." Jimin continued and paced around the boy, holding his gloves within his pale hands right after. "You're not so scared of me now, aren't you, Jungkook?"

The boy was silent. Deep down, he was still afraid and unaware of what Jimin could do, but he made sure he displayed only his brave side to Jimin at this very moment. Even if his heart pounded loudly, his breathing hitched and his eyes glued onto the ground before him while his hands wrapped around his body tightly, Jungkook only thought of the good things to save him from showing Jimin his weaker side. Of course, that's what Jimin wanted. He wanted Jungkook to be weak; mostly because he intended him to be that way. The fearsome wolf adored the idea of being feared and displaying true dominance.

"Oh, you play a good part in playing the brave hero for yourself so you could scare me off. So you could show me how strong you are in the mind when it comes to facing your worst nightmare..." Jimin spoke softly. The gentle and eerie sound to his voice never ceased, it just kept slipping into Jungkook's mind repeatedly until Jimin began to break away Jungkook's shield against him.

"You're wrong..."

"Am I?" Jimin asked softly into a chuckle before he threw his arm over the boy's shoulder and looked at the boy. Watching how the boy struggled to ease his breathing and try to look forward when Jimin noticed how his face kept fixing onto the ground. "You're adorable, Jungkook... you're a handsome boy, a gentle, closed off, yet, confusing boy..." Jimin whispered against Jungkook's ear. With every whisper, Jungkook received shivers shooting through his blood like bullets being shot continuously with no end.

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