Chapter 36: A Soulless Monster

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Jimin stood within the elevator, keeping one hand over the handle of the knife just hidden within his pocket, while the other hand held onto his long cane with the raven statuette on top. Jimin hid his cryptic smile just underneath his plague doctor mask and awaited the elevator doors to open on the tenth floor. The man patiently tapped the bottom of the cane against the ground until he eventually heard the elevator chime and open its doors to the tenth floor.

Jimin stepped out and walked over to what seemed to be Hoseok's room door and raised his right hand up before knocking in a distorted tune almost mimicking the way Jungkook did. After Jimin knocked he looked up at a camera pointed towards the hallway just above the elevator and continued to wait for an answer to the door. Just then, he heard a voice call out to him from within it.

Instantly, the door swung open. "You've got a lot of nerve coming up here, Jungkook! This better be good news or I swear I'll-" Hoseok's voice trailed off and looked upon the chilling mask that stood right before him. Instantly, Hoseok stumbled back in fear until he dropped onto the ground. Unable to stand when fear ate away at his balance. Jimin quickly stepped in with the hit of his cane touching the ground before closing the door behind him. "M-Master!"

"Hoseok what a pleasure to see you again. You haven't gotten drained for quite a while... could it be all the drinking you've done? Ah, never mind that. I don't need to hear you kissing up to me after I know what you've done..." Jimin hissed and stepped up to the man before pressing the tip of the bottom to his cane over Hoseok's chest. "You... I should have suspected you from the moment I saw him leave your room completely drunk through the surveillance footage.... did you really think you can turn Hyunwon against me?!"

"H-Hyunwon?... h-his name is Jungkook..."

"Who are you to tell me what's his name? You have no say in anything... how dare you... how dare you make a plan to get rid of me and make my Hyunwon do the rest of the job for you?! What were you planning, hm? Have him kill me off with the same knife you tried to kill me with before? Oh, Hoseok... have the years in this hotel made you a little weak in the mind as well?" Jimin teased and applied pressure against his cane and made Hoseok hiss in discomfort. "What makes you think you could get rid of me? You can't... I'm too strong for that... too quick for that... too smart for that. Your plans have always failed so I'm not surprised... but the fact that you would try to turn my Hyunwon against me... oh that just makes it much more interesting, right?~" Jimin asked into a twisted smile. Awaiting Hoseok's answer for a split second before he pushed down on the cane and caused Hoseok to gasp. "I said, right?!"

"A-Ah... Ah... right..." Hoseok answered and before he knew it, Jimin pulled the cane away and began to pace around the room. "U-Ugh... why do you keep calling him your Hyunwon?! Hyunwon is gone, Jimin! You boarded up every window here the moment he threw himself out of it! In no way is it better if you keep thinking Jungkook and that boy are the same... Hyunwon is dead!"

"ENOUGH! I don't need you to tell me anything about my love life. He embodies Hyunwon so much... it is him... it's almost as if it never happened, almost as if he never left and I don't need you to bring me back into reality!" Jimin argued as he watched Hoseok sit up and cup the center of his chest where Jimin pushed the bottom of the cane against.

"You're insane... you're insane! I bet you fooled him into thinking you're a good man... I bet you made him believe you didn't cause Hyunwon to jump out of that window. Seokjin told me all about it... you're not going to continue to play the good guy here. Remember, you're a soulless monster and you will always be one! The things you do to people are horrifying and the way you still think of Hyunwon as if he's still alive is sickening... when will you learn to let go?!"

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