Chapter 12: No One

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Jungkook laid in bed, caressing the black silk sheets and pondering the thoughts he put into his mind. His shaky hands trembled at each caress and his gaze was closed shut, allowing every tear to race down his pale cheek. At this point, Jungkook couldn't even care to think of what Jimin was cooking for him, but he laid there, clutching onto the black silk sheets while his tears left only a small spot of the bed still damp.

Jimin was silent for the most part. He knew something that the boy didn't, and only hoped that Jungkook would figure it out for himself. Until then, he stood in the kitchen and prepared something for the boy to keep his health up. Jungkook thought Jimin was insane; capturing the lamb and instead of torturing him or killing him right on the spot, he was being well fed and kept in one place. Jungkook expected to be brutally killed by Jimin at any point, so he laid over the wide bed and kept his eyes shut; pondering his life and replaying only the good parts in his mind like a movie.

However, the more the boy waited, the more curious he became. Jungkook opened his teary gaze to shift his focus onto the opposite room where Jimin was softly humming and cooking at the same time. Something still felt off about the man; the way he kept to himself, the way his hands were always cold and the way that his eyes seemed to beam a different color at times. Was it just Jungkook's eyes playing a game with him? Jungkook wanted to understand many things but when it came to Jimin, he always tended to hit a brick wall since confrontation was something he wasn't very fond of.

The aroma of beef and steamed vegetables slipped into the boy's senses. With the welcoming smell of a home cooked meal, Jungkook let out a deep sigh and gripped onto the silk sheets after. "Why is he so nice to me? Why does he care about my health so much?" Jungkook wondered and could only imagine poison being mixed into the soy sauce while Jimin was cooking the beef. "There has to be something more to what he wants, not just wanting me to remember something that didn't happen!"

After a while, Jimin was finally done as he stopped humming and set the meal into a bowl over a tray. Jungkook's food proportions were small since his appetite seemed to have depleted since his coma, so Jimin made sure he kept that in mind. The mysterious man made a bowl of hot white rice, tangy beef cooked with soy sauce, steamed vegetables and a small side of seaweed soup. Jimin then looked ahead blankly as he walked forward to see Jungkook laying over the bed; jolting his shoulders as he cried silently.

"Your meal is ready," Jimin mentioned in a bland tone and set the tray right at the bedside table. "Don't waste it, it's not good to waste any food."

"I'm not hungry..."

"Well, you have to eat something."

"I don't... I don't want it..." Jungkook whispered and kept his face hidden underneath his wrapped arms. "Why don't you eat it so it doesn't go to waste?"

"I'm...." Jimin then took a pause and looked at his gloved hands before shaking his head. "I'm not hungry... I will eat later," he spoke into his gentle and raspy whisper.

"Same... here..." Jungkook spoke into broken sentences as he took the time to breathe shortly. He began to have shortness of breath and his head was always spinning. His body wasn't in the best state for it to deny any meal given. Yet, Jungkook refused to take what the mysterious man was giving him. Jungkook didn't feel safe at all and before he knew it, goosebumps returned over his skin.

"The more you deny it, the more pain you will cause for yourself, please, eat. Don't be so stubborn," Jimin assured and tilted his head at the sight of the stubborn weak lamb. "Eat..."

"Forcing me to eat what you've made? I bet there's poison in it... in that case, put me out of my misery..." Jungkook thought in his head and finally sat up to dry the tears from his puffy gaze. There, Jimin stepped in once more to place the tray on Jungkook's lap.

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