Chapter 37: Trusting You

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      Jimin walked down the hall of the tenth floor as the truthful words Hoseok spoke about him seemed to hit too close to home. Of course, it truly did, it was the truth Jimin tended to escape from, always finding a way to reach him no matter what. Jimin was angry for the most part. He didn't want to face the fact that he had to move on when in reality, it was difficult to let some things go. When it came to letting go, Jimin had to let go the past he shared with Hyunwon, the endless memories of eternal bliss finally leading up to the horrid thought of the boy he loved, throwing himself out the window to escape the one he said he would love. Jimin couldn't bear to let go of the many beautiful things and suddenly began to tear up as he left the room. Allowing the words to seep into his frustrated mind.

       "Hoseok... he doesn't know what he's talking about! He will never understand... I have my reasons..." Jimin thought to himself as the mask hid away his tears. He went on fighting with himself as he walked down the hall when suddenly, he heard the elevator chime up ahead. Causing him to look up while a tear just escaped his eye.

      When the elevator doors pulled apart, Seokjin stepped out and looked at Jimin with a shiver racing down his spine. He looked at the man as they both stood in front of each other in silence.

     "Master..." Seokjin whispered and watched Jimin tilt his head.

     "Where do you think you're going? It's getting late..." Jimin spoke through his complicated thoughts and stepped closer to the man. "Tell me a good reason why you're up here at this hour."

     "I just needed to check in with Hoseok. That's all. He left the ball early so I just wanted to make sure he was doing alright," Seokjin assured. Growing curious as to why the man was on this floor already. "I can't help but to wonder, what are you doing here, Jimin?"

      "Glad you asked. I found a knife on my little raven and came to return it to its rightful owner," Jimin whispered and stepped up before placing his hand over Seokjin's broad shoulder and leaned in to whisper into his ear. "Next time, come up with a better plan, Seokjin. Use your head..."

       "So you know..."

       "I know every plan you and Hoseok come up with and I can't help but to laugh at it! Really, aim for the neck? Charming..." Jimin cooed as he held his cane right behind his back and continued to walk down the hall. Separating himself from Seokjin as the distance between them grew along with the silence afterwards. "Oh and... I forgot to mention–how silly of me–Hoseok is in dire need of medical attention right now~"

       After those words struck the beautiful man, Seokjin's beaming eyes grew wide as he raced over to Hoseok's door and fumbled in his pockets for the key to Hoseok's room. After, Jimin was off to the elevator and took it down to reach the sixth floor where he hoped to return to his little raven. On the other hand, Jimin stood within the elevator and was still thinking about the words Hoseok said. Such words were enough to keep floating on the surface of his endless thoughts as he tried his best to shake it away. But he couldn't. Was his love not part of his own fate with Jungkook? Jimin didn't want to believe it but it all made sense to him now. No matter what, no matter who, Jimin was always left alone at the end by his true love in every lifetime.

       "My Hyunwon won't leave me... he won't leave me again! My little raven... he wouldn't dare to do it again, right? Our fate is our love... not separating at the end. I can't live through that again and I won't! Hyunwon is mine," Jimin thought in his head as his eye kept allowing his tears to race down his face.

       Once the vampire reached the room, he stepped in to see Jungkook looking around the room anxiously. The sight of the boy made Jimin smile to himself as he stepped in and closed the door behind him.

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