Chapter 9: On the Sixth Floor

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The elevator finally closed and the boy was all alone on the sixth floor. Something in him replayed Hoseok's warnings in his mind, but the other part of him longed to continue walking and hoping to find Jimin there all by himself. The floor was colder than before almost as if it was snowing! Jungkook shivered from his jaw all the way to his frail legs.

"Maybe I should... I should a-ask him t-to fix the... the air conditioning here... before bringing up anything else..." Jungkook whispered to himself in hopes that his warm breath could ease his shivering body. Further, the boy walked and made his way towards the same door he was set to live in. Only now, the lock was finally fixed. But looking around, the boy realized that the locks to the other rooms still had yet to get adjusted. "I just don't understand that man..." Jungkook thought and peaked into an open door to only see a mess of furniture thrown around.

In a way, Jungkook couldn't make out anything in the room due to how dark it was. It was as if the windows were boarded up just so no light could get in at all. So everything within the halls to the rooms, were all hiding within the dark and the only source of light was the broken and flickering lights from the beginning of the hallway. Just when Jungkook began to walk forward, his heart pounded louder than his own short breathing and his head never took a break from spinning. Suddenly, his vision grew blurry and he became dizzy to the point where he walked against a wall and slid towards it to keep himself up.

His short breathing in the cold was what led to him becoming dizzy. Jungkook's weak legs were going to give out soon, but the trickiest part was the chilling question of when will he finally give in? Who will find him here alone in the cold? Jungkook didn't want to be found unconscious by Jimin; a man he truly feared and knew nothing about. What were Jimin's intentions? Jungkook didn't want to find out the hard way and fought to stay awake.

"Jimin... JIMIN!" Jungkook called out. Knowing well that Jimin disliked being called by his name even through the phone. However, Jungkook dared to tempt the unknown man. He dared to tease and scratch the man in order to get him to step out and face him.

Jungkook continued dragging his own body up and down the halls until his eyes were finally beginning to weigh in. Darkness covered his vision further and the flickering lights only seemed to dim along with Jungkook's energy; finally giving out at the same time. "Come out... now, Jimin!" Jungkook shouted weakly and just when his gaze shot up towards the end of the hall once more, his tired eyes latched onto the familiar dark silhouette of the man. But this time, he didn't wear his mask nor his black top hat. His silk hair shone in the reflection of the flickering light above him but no other details were recognizable.

Since Jungkook's gaze became blurry and started to weigh in closed, Jungkook looked upon the man's face but couldn't make out any of it. Just when his gaze latched onto Jimin, he finally gave out and fainted on the cold ground. Only hearing heavy leather boots kiss the ground from the heel to the tip of the boot until he finally reached the unconscious boy.

"Such a curious boy... a curious young boy, so naive to the real world..." whispered a gentle voice against Jungkook's ear before he completely blacked out.

When hours felt like days, Jungkook kept waking up and sleeping the next second. No matter what, he lost track of time and days altogether. Jungkook huffed in his sleep and his heart was still pounding; yet, he didn't have enough energy to get up. His body rested over a comfortable and wide bed in all black. This felt nothing like the bed in his hotel room, so when his exhausted eyes finally pulled awake for a few seconds, his eyes locked onto the figure of the man in a more dimmed light; but the weak lamb was still capable of seeing the small details to the man without the mask.

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