Chapter 43: My Biggest Fear

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     There Jimin sat in front of Jungkook, smirking at him as he placed on his gloves once more and crawled over the boy until he hovered over the human's breathless body. Jungkook was still as red as blood as he looked into the eyes of the fearsome wolf and couldn't help but to keep blushing through his breathless pants.

      "Oh, Jimin..." Jungkook breathed softly and looked at the older man just above his naked body.

       "I knew you would enjoy it~" Jimin whispered and kissed the side of Jungkook's head right after. "Come on, I can help you to the bathroom so you can wash up..."

      "Why don't... why don't you join me?" Jungkook asked into a soft whisper that left Jimin letting out a slight chuckle as he looked him in the eyes.

        "I've already showered, my little raven~ so, let me help you there... I know you won't be able to walk with such pain," Jimin looked Jungkook in the eyes and finally got off of the boy and stood by the bed, waiting to assist Jungkook into the shower and allow him to wash up after such a memorable night.

      Jungkook slowly sat up and furrowed his brows at the sting from his entrance as he finally got up with the help of Jimin. The man guided him to the bathroom and set him into the shower where he stood in place and watched Jimin close the shower curtains for him. Jungkook smiled just knowing how thoughtful the dominant was towards him and blushed from the thought of it all. Jimin's actions did speak louder than words; the way he smiled and took very good care of the boy, were memories that didn't go without praise from Jungkook.

    The boy stood in the shower all alone while Jimin brushed his teeth at the sink close by. They were silent for the moment as Jungkook pondered asking Jimin if he could leave just for a moment, but he was sure to promise Jimin of his return. However, there Jungkook stood, washing his body and allowing the water to trickle down his perfectly chiseled body as he hesitated to ask Jimin this question.

     "Maybe... maybe he wouldn't mind it. He trusts me, doesn't he?" Jungkook thought and listened to Jimin brush his teeth just beyond the shower curtains. "I can't ask him now... I need to face him, I need to look at him, I need to see how he reacts to this. I'll ask him after," Jungkook concluded his thoughts as he continued to wash his body and his hair out.

      His quick shower felt like eons; he became anxious about asking Jimin about this especially when he promised he wouldn't leave. But Jungkook wanted to believe Jimin wasn't too possessive; this alone was giving him hope. Hope of telling Jimin and listening to his words as he understood. Jungkook could see it now, he anticipated Jimin's approval just so he could handle things that should've been handled quite some time ago.

      After the shower, Jungkook stepped out and began to feel slightly better about asking Jimin. He was confident now and hoped for the best as he dried himself and placed on a white robe Jimin left behind so he could wear afterwards. The boy limped out of the bathroom and tossed his thoughts around while he tied the belt around his small waist.

      The moment Jungkook stepped out and looked over to the man sitting on the chair; writing away in his book. Jungkook's heart began to pound anxiously since he longed to know the answer to his question, but he didn't want to bring the question up so suddenly. So, Jungkook approached the bed to find his clothes already set out for him and longed to speak about anything first.

      "Jimin..." Jungkook whispered as the older stopped writing and closed the book once more to look at him. Giving Jeon Jungkook all of the attention he could ever want.

       "Yes?" Jimin asked and smiled at the boy. Carefully, he leaned back and placed his hand over his plump lips while his right leg crossed over his left; watching Jungkook's every move to give him his full attention.

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