Chapter 50: Just a Name

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   "No.. no don't say that, Jimin..." Jungkook replied as he let out a sigh before walking close to the man and getting down to his knees just to pull him into a gentle hug. Despite the crimson blood Jimin kept over his lips leading down to his chin and chest, Jungkook ignored it at a moment like this and held him close.

     "How could you... expect me to wait for you... when you didn't return to me at least by the next hour?" Jimin asked as tears fell down his right eye. "I wanted to wait for you... but being alone isn't the best thing for me to go through now..."

      "Jimin, I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I left but I made it very clear that I would return and I did! I did come back to you; my Jimin... my lovely and perfect Jimin..." Jungkook whispered into the hug and could feel Jimin's damp shirt push against his own.

       "Don't call me that... d-don't call me perfect!" Jimin hissed through his tears and tried to pull away from the hug, but Jungkook wouldn't let go, he continued to hug the man and listen to him sputter over his own words since he couldn't sob or gasp for air when he would cry. "I'm nowhere near perfect! I can't be perfect. I... I just wanted you to be here with me... you're my weakness... my weakness to everything. But then... then I lost myself..."

       "Jimin, when will you find out that you're perfect in my eyes? When will you find out that I will keep my promises? I'm sorry I left for a whole day... I'm sorry that I left you alone with yourself."

      "How could you think that I'm perfect like this? Look at me... look at me! I'm covered in blood like the true monster that I am," Jimin continued on and turned his head to face Jungkook after managing to pull away from the gentle hug. Only now, their foreheads were inches away from touching and Jungkook had a closer look into the vibrant red eyes of his lover that matched with the blood he had over his mouth and body. "Can't you see that being alone does these things to me? When I told you that you were my weakness... what made you believe that it was just beautiful words put together? You're my everything... I couldn't handle being alone without you..."

      "He's been alone for so long, it's been the last thing he has ever wanted when he knew I was part of his eternal life now," Jungkook thought, looking Jimin in his eyes. He longed to kiss him and promise him many things he knew he would keep, but of course, Jimin carried the bane of his own existence embedded against his teeth and his lips were covered in an innocent soul's blood Jungkook felt queasy about. So there the man sat, keeping his hands latched onto Jimin's motionless shoulders and looking into his tearful gaze.

       "I did something horrible..." Jimin cried and moved in until his head was pressed against Jungkook's neck. Carefully, he buried his face against the younger's gentle skin for comfort as his tears kissed the boy's neck carefully. "I killed... I've consumed... so many people... so many within a day..."

      Jimin's bloody hands slowly slid up Jungkook's body, guiding his cold hands up to feel every crease to Jungkook's torso just above his shirt. For the first time, he felt Jungkook's gentle body without his gloves blocking it, but this was done with the fabric of the boy's shirt tented over his sensitive skin. Coming in between his warm skin and Jimin's cold touch. But since the fabric of his shirt wasn't thick enough, Jungkook was still able to feel it.

      "After all these many years of being alive, you would think I would know how to get over certain things, how to handle certain things and how to live without certain things... but oh how I've tried... I've tried so much... it hurts when I take in anything but I can't live without it... the human side of me despises the taste of blood but the dead side of me loves it... so... much... that it ties itself to my emotions and when I get upset, I crave it... I crave it in so many ways that it suppresses my sanity–or what's left of it."

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