Chapter 27: Take Things Slow

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By the next week, Jungkook never found himself growing weak again. He felt himself gain his energy back after that night but, he remained inside the hotel room. Hoping to gain Jimin's trust. Overall, the plan was right on track, but his mind wasn't. He was on edge every second Jimin's peculiar gaze latched onto his. But when Jimin wasn't around, it was as if he could organize his thoughts and strive forward with the plan. He was confused, his cowardice mindset ran away once again when he knew how the end was to play out. In his mind, he wanted to back out of the plan and not kill Jimin. Yet, he knew all the lives of the people within the hotel were now resting in his trembling hands. So, he had to make a tough decision very soon.

Jungkook sat over the singular couch; wearing the black bell bottoms slacks over his crossed legs as he wore a white dress shirt with many frills along the collar and around the cuffs. This dress shirt came with a black coat to seal the look, yet he refused to put it on and just wore the under dress shirt instead since he had no intentions to leave the room.

His life there was boring. The boy passed time reading books as Jimin excused himself for a while or even a full day. But at the end of it, Jungkook would hear Jimin walk in and lay down by his side. Not uttering another word but just laying there as still and cold like a brick. Their conversations would lead to anywhere, but at times Jimin would have to cut things short to eat somewhere else. Jungkook understood what Jimin meant by that, but played coy when Jimin would ask about what's going on in his mind before he would go to do the unexplainable.

As Jungkook sat over the couch, losing his train of thought while he read a book, he continued to re-read the same paragraph until he finally set the book down and shook his head. "I can't read this... no matter how many times I read it, I will never be interested. Hyunwon's taste in books are boring," Jungkook complained and finally stood up to approach the small shelves of books sitting and collecting dust. "Who would ever read about a chief falling in love with his mute detective sidekick? It's too boring..." Just as he began to look through it, his eyes set on a vinyl that was kept within its cover. Untouched since it was covered in dust completely.

The boy looked at the vinyl and alongside it sat the journal he would see Jimin scribble into. He was tempted to see what Jimin wrote and hoped to learn more about his relationship with Hyunwon before, yet, he knew better not to invade Jimin's privacy especially since the plan was to build a bond with the vampire. Jungkook pulled his hand away and looked at the vinyl once more before pulling it out along with the cover. His eyes scanned the black cover in hopes of reading any writings set into it.

"To my beloved..." Jungkook read out and guided his finger against the written words over the cover. Feeling the dents to every letter as he tilted his head after. "Another thing about Hyunwon, he must have been obsessed with him or maybe they were just madly in love with each other," Jungkook thought and looked around to find a record player close by, but nothing returned to his focus. "There's a vinyl but no record player... he must be trying to avoid this song..."

Jungkook continued to keep his mind busy when suddenly, the door behind him opened and listened to the masked man step inside. Wearing a black coat over his black dress shirt and matching shoes and black slacks. As the man dressed in black removed his plague doctor mask along with his top hat, he looked up to see Jungkook standing by the shelf and holding the vinyl cover in his hands.

"A little curious, Jungkook?" Jimin asked and cracked a short smirk before setting his mask and hat over a a table standing close to the entrance.

"I was bored reading the another book so... I wanted to see if there was anything else I could do here..." Jungkook mentioned as he held out the vinyl cover to the lifeless man. "I'm sorry if I touched such a personal thing."

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