Chapter 33: A Warm Feeling

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     The knife Jungkook bore was like a brick shoved into the pocket of his slacks. The boy shook his head and grew anxious at just hearing Hoseok's words. He didn't know what to do now and wanted to run away at this point, but of course, he was frozen in place like ice formed at the bottom of his shoes.

      "Hoseok... I don't want to! I can't, there has to be another way..." Jungkook continued, yet, Hoseok only shook his head and glared at the boy.

       "There is no other way! We need to get rid of him, what can't you understand when we say that he's a monster? What good comes from a man who only kills? Look around, Jungkook... this will be a room filled by dead bodies very soon if you don't do something now," Hoseok mentioned. Jungkook then took another look around the ballroom and closed his eyes as his hand slid down to feel the sharp tip of the knife just facing downwards into his pocket.

        "What if Jimin stops me? What will we do then? Will Jimin just throw me into the room and kill everyone here?" Jungkook asked as Hoseok only turned the boy around to face the chamber orchestra playing on the stage. "I don't want to harm him! I don't want to!"

       "Jungkook, don't you want to return to your regular life?! Do it... we need you... I need you! Have a little hope in yourself..." Hoseok whispered and with that he pulled away from the boy. Leaving Jungkook to ponder his 'regular' life he had no hopes of returning to.

      Every other day he was sad and drinking to escape the harsh words his family or Namjoon would tell him. He would cry to himself and hold in the toxins of every bottle just so he wouldn't hurl it out. He longed for the poison to seep deep into his body until he couldn't breathe anymore. Escaping his problems with drinking was always the go to. But ever since the helpless lamb was trapped in this hotel, he began to pull away from his nasty habits because someone was actually here to make him feel safe and listen to him when no one else did. Jimin was the one to make him feel like confronting the issues didn't seem like the end of the world! Not to mention, the way Jimin comforted him and cared for him. It was enough to make Jungkook blush underneath his mask and cause his heart to pound.

       "I can't do this..." Jungkook thought as the song began to conclude. Leaving him to fight through the glue keeping him from moving. It was no use, Jungkook was afraid of seeing Jimin at the ball because he knew what would happen next. However, he just couldn't tell if Jimin was at the ball since he had no idea what the man wore for the night. "I've got to get out of here!"

      Once the song finally finished, the chamber orchestra transitioned to the next song that became too familiar to Jungkook now.

🎶"Ropes"- Scott James 🎶

        "And now, I am proud to announce the first dance..." called out the voice of the masked man singing on the stage. With those words striking Jungkook, the boy quickly turned around.

       "Fuck this shit..." Jungkook whispered as others made it to the dance floor, but not a lot of people. As Jungkook began to walk towards the front doors of the ballroom, he suddenly felt a sharp and cold stare fix onto him. Instantly, this caused the boy to stand in place as the song began.

     🎶 "The sun started falling
When you woke up...." 🎶

       Jungkook turned around and there he stood. There Jimin stood in an all white apparel, not wearing a plague doctor mask like before, but wearing a white, feather mask of a dove. Gem-like diamonds were set all over the white mask as it covered Jimin's small nose along with his nose bridge and his perfectly shaped cheekbones. Only half of his pale cheeks, his rosy plump lips, and his chin were exposed.

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