Chapter 53: I'm all Yours~

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Hoseok looked at Seokjin as if this plan could truly be the one that could free them all. Hoseok's eyes gleamed in hope as he smiled at the older man and nodded his head.

"Seokjin... you're a genius! Jungkook is bound to follow such a fate when it comes to Jimin. This plan is too good and we don't have to do anything but keep a lookout to see if anything new happens. All we have to do now is play that waiting game..."

"That's right and very soon, everyone will be free. It all depends on how Jungkook see's the situation now," Seokjin added on and opened the window just to welcome in the nightly breeze for the moment. "We'll be home soon, Hoseok... just hang in there and give it time."

Further into the night, Jungkook was held in Jimin's arms as he kept himself awake. Recalling the words they exchanged and smiled to himself as he felt Jimin's face press against his neck like always. It was moments like these that left the two silent as they only focused on embracing each other at night. After their conversation, they were left in their underwear over the bed instead of keeping their robes on for the night.

Carefully, Jungkook counted the seconds Jimin's gloved hand travelled over his body. The feeling left him silent as he closed his eyes. Longing to feel Jimin's skin. But, he knew he would shiver to his cold touch.

However, Jungkook recalled the moment he stood within the shower, allowing Jimin's cold hands to run around him in places he had always dreamed of feeling. It was gentle, caring, cold; this left Jungkook longing to risk another moment just to feel the satisfying shiver down his spine that he longed to enjoy. Knowing it was the only way Jimin could touch him, he wanted to look through his cold hands and actually live in the moment of enduring the icy touch out of pure love that was enough to make him feel warm inside.

Jungkook hesitated at first, but then he moved his hands down to Jimin's right gloved hand and pulled the glove slowly, causing Jimin to look down at the boy he hugged and let out a soft chuckle.

"What are you doing, my little raven?~" Jimin whispered and smiled. Allowing Jungkook to fully remove the glove in seconds.

"I... I want you to touch me," Jungkook replied. Slowly intertwining his hand with Jimin's cold touch. "Just the gentle... moment we shared... in the shower together... didn't suffice..." Jungkook took pauses in between the words he spoke as his warm hand tightened along Jimin's cold grasp.

"Your hand will grow numb this way, if you want to feel my hands over your warm body... then let me move my hands around you just so you wouldn't end up numbing your hand."

After Jimin assured the boy, Jungkook loosened his grip and watched Jimin turn and tower over his warm body. As soon as Jimin hovered over the boy, he planted his knees against the bed at the level of Jungkook's hips as he bit onto the tip of the glove over his left hand and pulled his hand down. Removing the glove as his red eyes pierced towards Jungkook's direction almost as if they were glowing.

"You're so curious~" Jimin whispered and dropped his glove from the fang that bit down onto it. "You couldn't get enough of me in the shower and now... you want to feel more. I spoil you in so many ways.~"

The way Jimin spoke, was as if he tempted the human every second. Jungkook looked into Jimin's red eyes and grew distracted, not really noticing when Jimin dropped his hands down to touch him. Jungkook snapped out of his endless stare into the windows of Jimin's dark soul as he awakened and felt Jimin's hands run down the sides of his chest, leading down to his ribs.

"Mh-" Jungkook hummed and closed his eyes. Imagining the moment from a different perspective and focusing on Jimin's hands glide up and down the sides of his torso.

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