Chapter 58: Destined to Fall Apart

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      Jimin stood there; gawking at the doorknob as he grew tempted to walk in and face Jungkook. But how could he confront him now? How could he confront him in front of everyone and try to influence his decision after so much. All those moments he called the boy 'Hyunwon', he became so careless when it came to Jungkook's feelings towards that name in particular. Now that Jungkook knew so much about what Jimin was hiding, Jimin stepped back and could already tell by the silence that Jungkook was deciding to leave him too.

    "How could I be so stupid... How could I do this to him? He's going to leave me... because I made him believe that I didn't care about him..." Jimin thought to himself as the silence beyond the door continued. However, Jimin just couldn't stand there to hear Jungkoook confess that he wanted to leave, so the man paced away from the door and turned the other way. Walking to the elevator with tears racing down his right eye. Not wanting to hear the words of Jungkook planning to get rid of him and run off. As strong as the vampire was, Jimin just couldn't bring himself to stand there any longer when it came to the rude awakening that Jungkook was not like any other.

      "I..." Jungkook whispered and continued to stare at the ground before him. "Kill him? How could I do such a thing? Even from the start I didn't have the heart to do it. Why would I do it now?" Jungkook argued in his head and exhaled heavily while Seokjin and Hoseok awaited an answer. "To kill him... is something I could never do... not even from the beginning did I ever want to see him suffer. No matter how upset I get, to harm someone I love so much... is something I could never do. Even if he harmed me emotionally, returning the favor by harming him physically and emotionally won't make me any better..." Jungkook spoke up and dried his tears. "I'll confront him... I'll confront him after all the things he's done, killing him isn't going to fix anything. I will get through to him..."

      Seokjin carefully patted the boy's shoulder and nodded his head. "Please, whatever happens, don't forget about us this time... we've waited long enough and I'm sorry to push this onto you so often. I guess we're just desperate to escape."

         "No, it's okay. I understand... I would feel the same way if I was trapped here and kept at death's door every second. I don't blame you two for wanting freedom. I won't forget you two along with everyone else here. I'll make sure this will be the day you all are set free," Jungkook assured and leaned back against the couch and let out a sigh.

        "Collecting your thoughts before you face him? It must be very difficult for you..." Hoseok mentioned and watched the boy nod his head softly. "We'll be patient. Take your time, confronting him must be something scary for you."

      "I'm not afraid of him in any way, but to confront him about the things I know now, it makes me so anxious about everything. But this is something I can't run away from... not when he helped me break through my fear of  confrontation... he's always been there for me mentally and I've always thought there wouldn't be anything that would get in between us. I guess I didn't believe that he would harm me after everything he's done for me," Jungkook whispered and continued to remain over the couch as he finally looked up at Seokjin. "When everyone is free, what will you all do next?"

       "Go home... keep in contact with some people we know in the hotel... what about you, Jungkook? What are you going to do when you finally get out of here?" Seokjin wondered as Jungkook grew silent at the question.

       "You do plan on leaving too, right?"

      Jungkook never really thought of it this way, he never planned to leave this place without Jimin. Even if he was upset with the man and despised the belief that he was nothing but a replacement to Hyunwon, he never thought he would leave Jimin. Deep down, the boy still loves his Jimin and hopes that confronting him will fix it all. But to leave the man he loved and has been through a lot with, was something Jungkook couldn't imagine doing.

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