Chapter 28: Selfish

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       Once the music finally ended, the needle fell off the disc and a faint static noise began to sound from the record player, signifying that the disc was done. Jungkook kept his body against Jimin and didn't want to face the truth for the moment. It was only now where he began to think he wouldn't be able to pull through with such a plan like that. Jungkook doubted his own strengths and the thought of killing this man before him, formed a knot over his stomach.

       "The song is over, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered to the boy's ear and smiled to himself as he still felt Jungkook swaying his body against his. "This is where the dance ends. How peculiar, you are still dancing as if you hear the music." Jimin then ran his hand up to the back of the younger's head and brushed his hair back.

        "I'm sorry... I was just lost in the moment..." Jungkook apologized and pulled his body away. Just as he let go of the man completely, Jimin's grasp remained locked against the boy's hand and tightened his grip. Catching the boy's attention right after.

        "I didn't say you should stop. If you long to dance once more, I wouldn't mind replaying the song. It's a beautiful melody, of course. One of my favorites..." Jimin assured. But that wasn't it. Jimin believed Jungkook longed to listen to the music further and lose himself in the moment, but in reality, Jungkook only wanted to bury his face against Jimin's body and forget everything he had to do.

        The boy didn't realize when the music stopped since he became so nervous about the situation. He wanted to close his eyes and forget about all of his worries, but he couldn't since they kept resurfacing in his head especially when the man he had to get rid of, stood before him the whole time. Safety radiated in Jimin's motionless arms even if he wasn't the most stable creature to be around at all costs. But there Jungkook remained with the man, pitying him and avoiding the final step of the plan.

        "No... it's fine..." Jungkook assured and looked back to see how their hands still locked onto each other. Neither of them wanted to break away and Jungkook noticed this, wondering if this was another side of him he had yet to discover. "I just..."

      Right when Jungkook grew silent, he looked at their contact and slowly gawked over at the pale vampire, he noticed how pink Jimin's face had become.  Suddenly, the older one slowly brought Jungkook closer until they were standing in each other's space once more. Beautiful silence erupted between the two again as they looked into each other's eyes.

       "Is this...bothering... you?" Jimin asked and smirked as the pink blushes to his handsome face caught the boy's attention and charmed him even further. "You could always be honest with me... or lie to me...but please don't lie, not to me."

         "No... I just... I just tend to think of many things, it's difficult to explain," Jungkook answered and watched Jimin tilt his head and slowly move his face closer to the boy where he caught every quick exhale Jungkook made. "I'm fine..."

        "If that's what you mean and you don't wish to speak about it, just know I'll always be here to listen to you when the world turns away from you..." Jimin whispered carefully and finally, broke their close contact within a second and lifted the needle from the disc surface. "Do you want anything? Anything I could make for you?" Jimin asked as he removed the disc from the record player and slipped it back into the black cover.

        "Nothing now, I'm still full from this morning," Jungkook answered blushing and rubbing his arms nervously. Trying to soothe the goosebumps that surfaced on his skin the moment he looked into Jimin's charming stare. "I'll just... find something else to do..."

        "I'll have to leave the room soon. Preparation for the ball is getting closer to finishing faster than I expected. Seokjin has really put in so much effort. I think this one will be so much better than the event last year! The masks for the new guests have arrived and I don't have to worry about yours since you can use the raven mask I've shown you before. Everything is falling into place smoothly," Jimin mentioned and walked over to his mask and top hat sitting over the table right by the door.

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