Chapter 17: What I like about You

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Love. Such a perfect word that sounded much better being heard as it rolled off the tip of his tongue. Jungkook was silent on the question. Has he ever found someone he truly admired? All his life he was known for running away once anything was given to him; he would run away and try to forget the problems he already had so the word love was something he barely heard from.

"No... not really..." Jungkook mentioned and grew embarrassed. "I'm not the... romantic type, I've never really had a relationship before..." Jungkook answered and nervously looked down from the kitchen.

"How about love from family or friends? Surely you've had that... right?" Jimin wondered and watched as the water boiled.

"My... family, I haven't spoken with them in two years. Love with them is complicated, and I only have one friend; my roommate, but it's also complicated with him as well," Jungkook confessed and cleared his throat. "What... about you...? Maybe you have an interesting story to tell, have you ever fallen in love?"

"Oh... what an amazing story it is..." Jimin whispered and closed his eyes once more to think about it longer. "I've fallen in love... many times... with the same person, if that makes any sense," spoke the man and let out a gentle smile while his eyes were glued shut; reminiscing on only the good things that lit up his dark world. "We were destined... destined to meet every time we said our goodbyes. What a story to tell, a long story to be exact, that just keeps repeating until the end of time. I fell in love many times, but that's how it is when it comes to love. It's as if you're on a roller coaster that never ends."

Jungkook tried to comprehend what Jimin meant. He pondered the words Jimin spoke and smiled to himself, thinking of how sweet Jimin's mind truly worked when it came to love. Jungkook never found love as good as Jimin, so he was like a child being told a story of true love. As exciting as it was, it also left Jungkook longing to find out much more about Jimin's life and who he truly was. But the boy knew well he couldn't be spoiled any further. Step by step, piece by piece, he was sure to learn more about this mysterious man.

"They must be very special to you... where are they now? Are you waiting to meet them once more?" Jungkook questioned and anticipated Jimin's answer once it began to take a moment for him to respond.

"You could say that... but I can tell he's near... I just need to give him some time. He will come to me soon, I just know it," Jimin assured and lowered the heat of the stove boiling the water for tea.

Jimin remained in the kitchen, not longing to face Jungkook as they slowly unraveled many things about each other since the two of them weren't very fond about confrontation. They were the same person, distant, silent, fierce, and a little curious at times. In no way did Jungkook realize that Jimin's attempts at confrontation were always hidden away in a mask or beyond another room. So there they stood, standing in separate rooms yet, feeling as if they stood right by each other to share a few words on a topic they had different views on.

"How could you be so sure that he's near? Do you let him know that you're thinking of him every night?" The curious boy wondered and looked back towards the kitchenette with an anticipating smile just longing to carve over his pale and perfectly chiseled face.

"I just know it, fate always has a way of bringing us together every moment we're apart. And it's working right now," Jimin concluded and finally pulled his eyes open to set the pot of hot water to the side once he turned off the stove. "Jungkook... have you ever been hurt?"

"I... I broke my arm once, it hurt really badly!"

Jimin then let out a laugh and shook his head at the thought of the boy's answer. "No, that's not what I meant. I'm speaking about being hurt deep down... you seem to have a story to tell on that. If you want, I'll be here to listen if you need to be heard," Jimin continued the conversation. He felt a connection with the boy and didn't want to seem distant at a time like this. So, Jimin stood in place and distracted his gaze with many things so he could imagine it all.

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