Chapter 49: Drenched in Blood

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      From the very moment Jungkook's arms loosened around his mother, he looked at her and couldn't help but to smile and cover his face. Never knowing how great it felt to open up to someone who knew him better than anyone else.

      Jimin was right all along. Jungkook couldn't help but to think of his partner; sitting alone in that same room as he awaited his Jungkook's return. This left the boy to wonder what Jimin could be up to at a moment like this. Would he be waiting? Crying? Screaming and throwing a fit? Would he murder many in a second or would he just be sitting in the room and counting the seconds until he was graced with pure euphoria? Jungkook didn't want to believe the first few options and went with the very last. He knew Jimin better and knew that the man he loved, wouldn't become such a monster when his partner left him alone for a while.

      After his mother reached an understanding with him, Jungkook felt as if he should stay a while longer with his mother and Namjoon. Not knowing how Jimin would react was what made Jungkook hesitate on his return. In every way, Jungkook did love his partner. From his delicate words rolling off his plump lips, to the caring gentleness he kept around the boy and hid his true strength every time he hugged him, made love to him, or even held his hands at times where they would do nothing but talk about anything.

     Jungkook sat over the couch and enjoyed having tea with his mother and Namjoon. A thought like this always seemed so unattainable, but now that he had it, Jungkook couldn't help but to smile every second his mother spoke in his presence. He was finally happy in his life and now that he began to build trust within his mother and Namjoon again, he didn't regret leaving Jimin one bit!

       On the other hand, there was a familiar sensation that ran around in the pit of his stomach. The thought that he had no idea what Jimin was up to or what he was feeling was what left Jungkook thinking about him in the back of his mind. In the back of his cleared up mind, he always kept Jimin in his thoughts and wondered about him. Of course, there was no reason not to, Jungkook was in love with Jimin now that he would always keep the man in mind. Although, at times those thoughts weren't always about love, they were thoughts surrounding his curiousity. His curiosity about what Jimin could be doing at a time like this. His reaction to everything was very vital to the way Jungkook would see him.

    "So, the trip turned out very well" the mother went on, but Jungkook only heard a few words into the conversation as his mind began to step in and out while he thought about Jimin. He couldn't tell when his mother even began to speak!

      It was like his mind tuned out his mother's voice as he wondered what Jimin was up to. Was he willing to leave his mother and Namjoon so early? Jungkook was beginning to worry, Jimin could handle being alone right? At the end of the day, he promised to return and Jungkook had plans to do just as that! So there was no need to worry. Jungkook wanted to live in the moment and catch up with his mother and Namjoon, but with Jimin clouding up his mind, Jungkook couldn't find himself doing so.

      There was that feeling. That sudden feeling that left him yearning for Jimin at a moment of happiness. He wanted to share such a moment with Jimin, but he knew better not to drag him over here. Jungkook worried about the man and wondered what he was up to until his mind replayed his weird dream in his head again.

      "It's all in my head..." Jungkook thought and closed his eyes for the moment and leaned back. "He's doing well... as long as I don't see him at the doorstep, I'll be fine! He must be handling it well and I'm just overreacting! I-"

      "Jungkook, are you okay?" Namjoon wondered and looked at the boy, instantly causing the mother to look over to her son as well.

      "Oh! Of course I am... I was only thinking to myself that's all..." Jungkook promised as the conversation went on. This time, Jungkook didn't want to tune his mother's voice out now and seemed to silence his thoughts about Jimin for a bit. Only for a while of course until he was ready to return to him soon. "Just an hour... and then I'll return to Jimin..." Jungkook promised himself, but that was a promise he ended up losing in seconds.

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