Chapter 20: A Raven Mask

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"What will you do to me...? Will you give me the same punishment I was given today?" Jungkook wondered curiously while his childish gaze slowly fixed onto Jimin's body pulling away. Jimin stopped in one place and stared at the boy in silence before he tilted his head. Causing a smile to erupt from his pale face once more.

"No, of course not," Jimin answered the boy calmly. "How could I give you the same punishment? You seemed as if it wasn't bothering you until I pulled my hand away. I don't think I could do it to you again."

"Will this next punishment... hurt more than the first one?"

"If it's enough to make you stay in, then, I guess I won't have any other choice but to make the next one more painful than the last. Please don't make me do this to you, Jungkook. Because if you do it again, I will be disappointed to know that you choose to go against my word after the many warnings I've given you."

Once Jimin warned the boy again, Jungkook allowed those words to go in from one ear and exit out of the other. He wanted to understand Jimin and follow his warnings so he wouldn't suffer through another punishment, but Jungkook grew stubborn when he blinded his mind with answers he could get if he risked escaping again. Surely, Jimin would entrust him with the truth. On the other hand, Jungkook knew he couldn't sit and wait for the suspicious man to tell him what he needed to know. At a moment like this, Jungkook needed answers and to devise a plan with others to escape.

"I'm sorry..." Jungkook said to the man. Hearing Jimin's footsteps take him in the opposite direction; listening to the boy's words.

"I really... really... want you to obey me for once, Jungkook," Jimin wished and pulled the doors to his wardrobe open; searching for something he kept in the back of his mind while he spoke to the boy. "If you don't, I'm not sure if I will be able to trust you enough to attend the ball. I would love to see you there. If you respect my words and wishes, I will reward you with the freedom to attend it. I want nothing more for you to be present at such an amazing event."

Instantly, Jimin pulled back and held out a black raven mask that only concealed away the eyes. The way the red rubies along the creases beamed at every turn, left Jungkook at awe as he stared at it further. Wondering what an expensive mask like that was doing just sitting around in Jimin's wardrobe.

"What... what is that for?" Jungkook wondered curiously and watched Jimin turn around to approach him.

"This is a raven mask. Perfectly made to be worn at the masquerade ball. I've had this in my wardrobe for quite some time now... but when the thought of the annual ball for the hotel was approaching, I suddenly remembered this mask here. It hasn't been worn in such a long time. But if you listen to me and I allow you to attend the ball, you will wear this mask... and it will be yours," Jimin concluded and approached the boy to then hold it up to his face to see if it fit.

Shockingly, Jimin noticed that Jungkook's perfectly structured face managed to fit great into the mask once he adjusted it over the boy. Jimin was speechless, he looked at Jungkook and watched as the boy blinked his gaze and looked at the man in front of him. They locked eye contact once more before, Jimin looked away to collect his thoughts in seconds.

"Are you... sure? It looks very expensive..." Jungkook mentioned and slowly pulled his head away from the mask; already knowing how well it actually fit. Yet, Jimin was still in shock at how well it looked on him. Almost feeling a bit too familiar.

"I don't mind, it hasn't been worn for quite some time now. You can keep it, as long as I know that you will be here, this will be your mask for the ball. Of course, that's if you stay here long enough to wear it at one of the gatherings..." Jimin answered and set the mask right on the bed before pacing away to recollect himself.

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