Chapter 22: Intoxicated

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Jungkook couldn't seem to comprehend. He was able to grasp as much information as he could but at the same time, he didn't understand that this was the truth he's been searching for. Jungkook stopped drinking for a moment to process the words Hoseok mentioned and couldn't help but to let out another laugh. Deep down, he took in this information, but on the outside, he began to laugh at how intoxicated he became after drinking so much.

"Ah... ha, ha, so... ah... Jimin... is a vampire? So... it must have been him making the noises on the sixth floor that... that day!" Jungkook mentioned and gripped tightly onto the bottle he held and rubbed his eyes. "It all... it all makes sense to me now... I began to question it all... but I avoided any childish assumptions like that in the first place. But now... now that I know what he is... what do I do...?"

"It seems as if he has no problem with you at all, of course, you remind him of someone special, so the last thing he would do is harm you to the point where it would traumatize you," Hoseok mentioned and drank out of his first bottle while he watched Jungkook take another sip of his. "Should you really drink that much? Are you able to hold in your alcohol?"

"I'll... I'll be fine..." Jungkook replied into a soft giggle and leaned back against the chair to stare up at the ceiling silently. "He wouldn't harm me because I remind him of someone... he tends to compare... compare me to... some guy named Hyunwon..." Jungkook mentioned and noted how Hoseok tilted his head and lowered his drink. "Does... does that name... ring a bell?"

"Hyunwon... I think Seokjin told me about that name once. Even Seokjin told me about how you looked so much like him. Of course, Seokjin has only seen photographs of this man. And he mentioned how much of a resemblance the two of you shared. That could be the reason why Jimin locks you up in that room! He must be afraid of letting you go. Something must have happened to Hyunwon because he's no longer here. At least, I don't think so... I don't even know... not even Seokjin knows..."

"Jimin says he's waiting for him... but I don't... I don't know what he means by that. I find it weird that he keeps me locked up there and tells me to remember a memory we shared but at the same time, he waits for him... I've never seen Jimin in my life!" Jungkook replied and began to laugh uncontrollably. Leaving Hoseok to focus his gaze onto his. "Does he think I'm Hyunwon? That doesn't make sense! I'm me!"

"Maybe... Hyunwon died and there could be a chance he was your past life, that's why Jimin can't let you leave his sight. He must be sure you're him!" Hoseok told the boy and suddenly laughed right after. "This makes so much sense now... you could be living his new life, but of course, you have no memory of your past life... Hyunwon must have died before you were born and now, Jimin has been waiting for you to come back into his life."

"And, here I am now... he's been waiting for me?" Jungkook asked and chuckled right after. "Ah, I feel stupid! This can't be true... Please, tell me this is all a dream! If it's true, Jimin must be over one hundred years old or so! He told me... he fell in love with the same person multiple times... he must have fallen for my past lives as well!" Jungkook mentioned as Hoseok's eyes widened at the sound of his words. "I'm losing my mind..."

"It must have been fate then, Jimin is a vampire, who has fallen in love with you in many lives before. We don't really know how old he is, it's difficult to tell but maybe, maybe he'll tell you more about it soon. Not now, Seokjin says he's a very difficult guy to get to."

"Then, what do I do n-now?! What if he tries to eat me? What if he... oh no, I have to go back!" Jungkook mentioned and finally remembered Jimin warning him about leaving. "I don't have much time here!"

"Calm down, Jungkook. What is he going to do to you? He treasures you, you're special to him. What is the worst thing he could do? Make you go to sleep early?" Hoseok asked and heard the boy grow silent. "If you want to escape... Seokjin and I are planning something and I think you could help us out on this..."

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