Chapter 54: Sharp Gasps~

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"Okay..." Jungkook replied with a heavy exhale. Waiting and anticipating what came next. Even if he was excited to continue, he understood how sensitive something like this could be, so he appreciated Jimin for his caring words and blushed to himself once those whispers slipped through his ear.

"I'm so glad you understand me..." Jimin replied and pressed a kiss against Jungkook's cheek before trailing his plump lips down to the side of his neck. There, Jimin teased the tip of his fangs against his lover's skin. Longing to push in and have Jungkook as his forever, but he knew better not to give this eternal curse to Jungkook. But at times, Jimin longed to do so, just because living a long life alone seemed too harsh at times.

To punish an innocent soul like this left Jimin just using the sharp tips of his fangs to tease his partner. No longer wanting to think like this as his cold hands explored the sides of Jungkook's torso until they latched onto his perfectly toned hips. Instantly, the shivers raced through the human's warm blood as the feeling kept him even more awake. He closed his eyes and pressed his red face against the bed until he finally felt the wet tip of his partner meet with his rim.

"Are you growing impatient?~" Jimin whispered against the younger's ear before giving him a kiss. He circled the tip around Jungkook's entrance to tease him further, allowing his wet pre-cum on the slit to meet with Jungkook's lubricated entrance. With this, he smirked against the side of his lover's neck and licked along the spot he teased with his sharp fangs.

"Mh... y-yes.... Jimin, please..." Jungkook whimpered. Gripping tightly onto the bed sheets as his forehead remained pressed against the bed. "I want you..."

Jimin smirked to himself. Absolutely enjoying the sound of his partner's soft whimpers as he begged for such naughty things. By there, Jimin inserted himself in and listened to the younger let out a quick and sweet little gasp that made the moment feel even better. He pushed his tip in all the way until his length slid in quickly. Making Jungkook's eyes glue shut and his mouth cave open.

"Ah~" Jungkook moaned softly, but that didn't suffice Jimin's needs. He wanted the room to echo with the sound of his length slipping in and out of his lover repeatedly and making him mewl from the sweet satisfaction.

So there, Jimin began to thrust. Listening to the wet slaps of his thrusts when his pre-cum slid into Jungkook's entrance; making his hole more lubricated from the inside. The sensual moment made Jimin growl underneath his breath as he continued to lean over Jungkook to groan against his ear as his hips buckled in at every rhythmic thrust. The sweet noises of Jungkook's moans suddenly became a bit louder once Jimin slid his cold hands up his partner's chest. Causing the right shivers to shoot through his lovers warm blood.

"A-Ah~ Jimin... oh, Jimin! A-Ah... Ah... g-go... go faster!" Jungkook moaned and begged his lover until he knew Jimin heard him. "P-Please... I... I want all of you..."

Those words; those lewd words, called out to Jimin as he opened his eyes and kissed the younger's neck carefully. Showing that he heard Jungkook without even responding. Jimin then moved up until he was on his knees behind Jungkook. The sight of the young man who was once so innocent, just arching his back as he clung onto the bed sheets so desperately, left Jimin's face turning into a soft pink at the sight of him like this. Just allowing his mind to imagine the many things he wanted to see from Jungkook at this moment.

Jimin longed to see Jungkook become a moaning mess over the bed as he squirms and grabs onto the bed sheets tightly until his veins popped over his hands. Jimin wanted to see this so badly, he didn't stray away from the request Jungkook gave him.

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