Chapter 25: Closer

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      "Of course..." Seokjin replied and paid no attention to Jimin while he rethought the many memories he longed to keep forever. It was no secret that Jimin had yet to grieve over someone he lost many years ago, so Seokjin only silenced his voice right after and continued to drain Jungkook at the moment.  After, he was sure to hand Jimin the pack of the boy's blood before leaving right after. Not sharing another word. Yet again, what more was there left to be said? Seokjin wanted only the best for the man who kept many lies and lived through many stories in one lifetime. So it was difficult to comprehend his pain since his world went by quickly.

       When the two were alone once more, Jimin finally looked at the boy after he set the pack of blood within the freezer. He approached Jungkook and peered over his body, watching his chest raise softly as he inhaled and drop as he exhaled. Every slight movement, every gentle breath, lured Jimin in to watch more as he connected many things to many memories he had before.

      "How... how could you not be Hyunwon? You sound just like him, you breathe in a way that he does and you sleep just like him..." Jimin spoke out. Not wanting to confront the actual truth that his Hyunwon no longer walked the earth. His inability to face reality was enough to make him hold onto anything desperately, and what he held onto was what made his heart race a long time ago; that was Hyunwon. Not really learning how to let go at all.

        Jungkook let out a sharp breath in his sleep as Jimin removed the leather glove to his right hand and reached over to the boy. Only seeing Hyunwon and never Jungkook at all until he watched Jungkook smile in his sleep. That small smile; the brightest and calmest smile was enough to make Jimin pull his hand back and hold onto it with his other hand concealed within the black glove.

         "Jimin...." Jungkook exhaled softly in a whisper and smiled heavenly. Leaving Jimin to slowly place on the black glove and stare at the boy further.

       The sound of pure innocence filled his dark mind; Jungkook's voice surrounded his thoughts until nothing was left but the pure and angelic voice of the lamb calling the older by his name. Jimin closed his eyes and finally pressed his head against the boy's chest and closed his eyes while his hands travelled upwards to lock onto Jungkook's weak grasps. Their touch latched and fit perfectly to the point where Jimin didn't want to believe Jungkook was a different person from Hyunwon. So, he laid there and closed his eyes and ignored even the good memories he shared with his beloved before.

        "For just this once, I wish reality wasn't true..." Jimin whispered as the fearsome wolf  listened to the beat of the helpless lamb's heart. "For once in this eternal life of mine... why can't you just stay so I wouldn't have to repeat this pain of mine? I'm... I'm so tired... tired from all of it... please, don't leave me again..."

        Once Jimin's gentle whispers carried around the room until the sound became no more, Jungkook raised his arms in his sleep and wrapped around Jimin's motionless body. Normally, the lonely boy would hug pillows in his sleep, so he always tended to place a pillow vertically by his side, but this time, he wrapped his arms around the older and held him close. Like puzzle pieces assembled perfectly together, their bodies locked perfectly against each other.

        By sunrise, Jungkook woke up to the feeling of his arms wrapping around Jimin's body. They were laying on their sides, perfectly attached in a spooning position. Jimin faced the wall while Jungkook's body was buried against the back of the breathless man. Tightening his grip and smiling in his sleep until he opened his eyes. Catching onto the scent of a faint cologne Jimin always carried embedded within his coat.

        Jungkook opened his eyes, realizing that he was no longer hugging a pillow at all, only this time was he hugging Jimin in his arms as they slept over the bed together. Jungkook was frozen in place as his breathing hitched and a shiver shot through his blood. The boy was weak and still half asleep, but this alone woke him up in seconds, yet, made him uneasy. Jungkook wanted to pull away and apologize many times, but then, he remained there, breathing unevenly as he kept his arms around the man. Not knowing when to pull his arms away.

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