Chapter 10: No More Running

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    Further and further the floors to the hallway stretched. Jungkook raced only wearing his black socks and the clothes Jimin dressed him in when he was asleep. The boy was breathless as he raced down and tried to comprehend what was happening. The helpless lamp believed he misunderstood Jimin in his mind, but little did he know, he was right. It was Jimin that haunted his dreams every night and it was Jimin who made him feel unsafe. Only now, Jungkook began to realize it so soon.

     The boy was somehow grateful that he was able to read the room so early before he got in too deep. However, he rather hoped he never found out about Jimin's existence only so he wouldn't fear going to sleep every now and then. Jungkook was drowning within a wave of fear; he was stuck at sea for so long, he craved the sense of being saved or any contact from a hero who could save him. Alas, there he remained, drowning for an eternity as if no one could hear his endless pleas to be saved from his fears.

      Jungkook reached the end of the hall; continuously pressing the button on the elevator to travel down. "Come on...COME ON!" Jungkook begged as the elevator traveled up and was finally able to open to the petrified boy. Once the doors pulled open, Jungkook jumped in and continued to press the button to the lobby repeatedly. Within seconds, he looked up to see Jimin step out of the room.

      Black leather gloved hands fixed onto the doorway of the room slowly and out crept the masked man.

      "There is no escape, Jungkook..." Jimin chuckled and finally began to walk down the hall, still maintaining a still posture while chicken soup still drenched his black coat reaching to his calves. "You run and run... but there will never be an escape!"

     Jungkook pressed his weak body against the walls of the elevator and watched as Jimin stopped walking and turned around. Making the boy question where Jimin was off to once the doors to the elevator closed. Again, the slowed music played over the elevator as Jungkook couldn't think of anything positive to soothe his anxiety. He was out of breath as he tried his best not to think of Jimin.

     "I... I'm going home..." Jungkook thought and held himself, embracing the soothing feeling of the soft shirt he wore over his sensitive skin. Eventually, the elevator chimed on the lobby. Instantly, the boy dashed out of the elevator and raced to the nearest exit where Seokjin stood; yet again, daydreaming and staring out to the exit.

     The weather outside was warm and calm; no rain in sight and not a clash of thunder could be heard from a mile away! Adrenaline pumped through Jungkook's blood the moment his skin longed to be kissed by the gentle breeze on the outside, on the other hand, doubts suddenly began to rise against him when he heard footsteps falling in sync with him from behind.

     "SEOKJIN, RUN!" Jungkook cried and almost instantly, he hit the ground onto the middle of the lobby where the exit was just a few jogs ahead.

      "Where do you think you're going?" Called out the soothing and eerie voice of the hotel owner. Jungkook squirmed over the ground and looked back to see Jimin standing behind him. "What did you think, that I was going to let you go that easily?" As the calming tone of Jimin's voice came, it wasn't enough to keep Jungkook's shouting and anxiety down.

       "N-NO PLEASE!" Jungkook shouted and struggled to get up, seeing now that his body gave in due to how exhausted he was so suddenly. However, this wasn't enough to make him stop trying to escape.

       Just when Jungkook managed to get up once more, he felt a pull on his ankle and before he knew it, he was back on the ground, kicking and fussing to escape Jimin's tight grip.

     "Stop trying, you'll only make it worse."

      "N-NO LET ME GO! PLEASE...  PLEASE!" Jungkook screamed as he turned his body on his side and continued to kick Jimin's hands away, but the man only held Jungkook back with one hand. Surprisingly, his grip was strong enough against the boy and this left Jungkook even more afraid than before.

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