Chapter 24: Clarity

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        "Of... of course I won't..." Jimin answered and took a quick glimpse over to the blood stained wine glass. "How could you think I would harm you?" 

        "I... I want to believe you wouldn't. But, I've been told that so many times by people who ended up hurting me over and over again..." Jungkook whispered.

      "Jungkook..." Jimin replied and kept combing his gloved hands through Jungkook's silk hair. "Do you really think I would harm you mentally and break you down?" Jimin asked softly and tilted his head down to see the face of the boy, buried into the older's chest and smiling softly. "I want to fix you, I want to heal you but only if you let me. If you don't, you'll see it as me only harming you and that's not right. Jungkook, I want you to understand the importance of efforts being put into you. When people offer their help and you don't take it, they feel upset that they couldn't help you at all. They want to help, let them... you may not like it but very soon, you'll grow to understand it," Jimin whispered to the boy and heard him giggle once more. "Maybe I should try to tell you this when you're not intoxicated..."

        "Mh... Jimin... you're so smart... I understand completely!" Jungkook replied and continued to giggle. "'re so handsome... Why do you hide your beauty under a mask? Don't... don't be selfish!" Jungkook whispered and opened his eyes to look up at the man once more. "You're so good looking!"

         "Alright, that's enough... get some sleep..." Jimin replied and unknowingly, his pale face had a faint tint of a red pigment over his cheeks.

      "Mh... no! Answer me..." Jungkook replied and with that, Jimin cupped the boy by his face and held it within his gentle leather gloves.

        "I hide my face... because I want no one else to see me other than you. I want only you to see my face, doesn't that ring a bell, Hyunwon?" Jimin asked as Jungkook was only silent, looking into the red gaze of Jimin's eyes that slowly fell into a natural dark brown color. "Tell me... you remember me, Hyunwon... please..." Jimin begged. However, Jungkook only shook his head and let out another laugh before hugging Jimin once again.

        "My name is Jungkook! Ah, Jimin... don't compare me to someone else! I'm my own person, isn't that enough? Aren't I enough?" Jungkook asked as Jimin was only left in silence to caress the boy's hair once again. "Am I good enough... for you?" Jungkook wondered. Leaving Jimin in a tight position since the boy was very drunk and who knew what could slip into his mind if the wrong words were said to him? So, Jimin made sure he was able to handle this situation carefully.

        "Yes, you'll always be enough for me, Jungkook..." Jimin replied and felt the curves to the boy's lips curl upwards. "Please, close your eyes and rest now..."

        "Oh, Jimin... you don't know how long I've wanted to hear those words... not even my parents would respond to the question... thank you...." Jungkook continued on and left Jimin to worry.

       "Well, anything you want to hear, I'll tell it to you, alright? Would that make you feel better?"

        "You would?"

         "Of course... but, you have to rest now," Jimin assured and continued to caress his soft scalp and soothe the pounding headache he had roaring in his head. "Good night, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and before he could move the boy to rest on the bed on his own, he felt the younger tighten his grip around his waist. Not wanting to let Jimin go at all. He was perfectly attached to the man like glue and refused to loosen his grip once. "Jungkook..."

         "Don't...don't leave me alone here... I hate being alone..." Jungkook whispered and felt Jimin's body lay back against the bed, leaving him to lay over the older's body and fit over his chest so perfectly.

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