Chapter 7: Don't Leave

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  There the frightened lamb sat; shivers raced down the knobs of his spine as his fingers to his right hand latched onto the spoon. Even then, his body trembled at the sight of the white note kept between his fingers.

Don't leave. Those words filled his head longer as he kept replaying it over and over again. At that moment, he lost his appetite and set the spoon down to question the note further. Did Seokjin give him the note? Was this a warning as to what the attendant truly feared? Did Jimin have anything to do with this? Jungkook was frustrated that he had nowhere else to go and could only think of what to do next. He longed to talk to Jimin about this and ask him many things, but was the man approachable in person? Not in Jungkook's book.

"Don't leave... you've got to be kidding me! It's not like I could if I truly wanted to!" Jungkook hissed and glared at the note longer. "Sick... sick people... what prank could they be pulling at a time like this? I'm in no state to be treated like this! I'm weak; I feel like I'll die any second and I get a note as if I'm supposed to be at peace after I read it?" Jungkook complained. "I just want to go home... I just want to see Namjoon again! I've taken him for granted... after all this time, I've taken him for granted."

The boy sat at his chair and finally crumbled up the warning note within his hands and glared at the soup once more. "I just need to get better... once I get better, I'll run out of here... and nothing will hold me back. I'll have a word with Jimin and I will tell it to his face! Even if he scares me and makes me uncomfortable, I won't be held back another day," Jungkook assured and finally continued to eat the soup he was given. From that moment forward, Jungkook was sure to order another meal that requested to be left outside his door. He avoided any contact with anyone as he focused on getting better so he could leave as soon as possible.

Jungkook realized that Namjoon wasn't going to be there to baby him and take care of him any further, so he took it upon himself to make sure he got his health and energy up so he could run out in the rain and return home. He never thought he missed Namjoon so much, but of course, the boy had no new intentions of changing his old ways. The boy just longed to go home. Not rethink any of his old ways to change. At least, not yet.

Once his meal was delivered, a faded knock was heard from the door and after that, nothing else followed. Jungkook quickly pulled the door open and set the dirty dish and the amount of wons due for the payment, on the ground and closed the door right after. Of course, he made sure to let the person who delivered his meal beforehand know that he was going to send the payment down after the meal was set outside.

Jungkook carried his second meal; a bowl of stir fried glass noodles cooked with soy sauce, steamed vegetables, and beef prepared with teriyaki to give the meat a sweet taste in contrast to the tangy soy sauce that accompanied it. The boy was finally feeling a lot better since he had the seaweed soup. He no longer wished to curl up on the bed and sleep away his problem of being stuck in one place for a while. Jeon Jungkook wanted to get better so he could run as fast as he could, far from this place and of course, far from Jimin.

Jimin was in his nightmares, in his mind, and always in his peripheral vision somewhere. The nerve racking shock Jungkook would receive, always left him longing to close his eyes and hope to see that Jimin wasn't there. As curious as Jungkook became to know more about Jimin, he hoped to drop it and leave the topic alone. Not wanting Jimin to be the only thing he stays at the hotel for. Whatever Jimin was, it was none of Jungkook's concern now.

Suppressing the feeling of curiosity always left the boy itching to know more to the point where he would lose his mind the more he thought about it, yet, he knew this was something he shouldn't know much about. Besides, how dangerous could a man in a mask be? Jungkook feared him because of the unfamiliarity that beamed from Jimin's presence. The mystery of the unknown was what called out the boy's curiosity.

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