Chapter 16: One Step Closer

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The way his warm skin soothed his cold neck was like warm water being spilled over a chunk of ice; melting away the ice, but still leaving a dent within it; in which Jungkook still recalled the cold hands locked over his skin like an icy fractal being pressed against it. Jungkook let out an exhale and kept his eyes latched onto the door once Jimin left so suddenly.

The way the terrifying wolf towered over the helpless little lamb, keeping him bound to the bed and growling words that oozed with possessiveness in between every letter, left Jungkook shaking over the bed when he realized that Jimin was actually the punishment each time he disobeyed the man's words. The boy finally soothed the cold over his throat and got up to change quickly. The last thing he wanted on this earth was to upset Jimin for now.

Being held against the bed while Jimin hovered over his trembling body, rubbed off the wrong way in Jungkook's mind. He thought about the way he felt every muscle within the man's body just above his own exposed skin. The rush of how Jimin's cold hand dragged down to his chest left Jungkook huffing and hoping Jimin wouldn't travel further down. Yet, Jimin had no intentions of doing so and only kept his cold touch brushing against Jungkook's neck to his chest.

Somehow, Jungkook was surprised to know that Jimin stopped himself from punishing the boy further just because his words slipped and caused him to say a name that didn't belong to either of them. Jungkook was confused, he didn't know who 'Hyunwon' was and why Jimin called him by that peculiar name. Questions surfaced in his mind after Jimin stepped out to wait in the hallway. Many things didn't seem to make sense to the boy, but that didn't mean that he had no interest whatsoever. He longed to know the truth and wanted to keep poking Jimin and asking him about it. But of course, Jimin was just as silent as the boy when it came to confrontation. In which, they were the same person but from two different worlds.

Jungkook quickly changed his clothes and looked over to the door, feeling Jimin's presence just beyond the room. Being far from the man was now an unattainable dream to Jungkook. He longed to know many things but at the same time, he didn't want to put himself through anything that would get him in the same position he was before. A punishment like that was enough to leave Jungkook wondering what Jimin would do to him if he wasn't held high above other guests within the hotel. Would he get tortured and broken by the mysterious man that gave off a fake smile off the surface? Jungkook knew better to hold off his curiosity for now, since it only led him further into the punishment with Jimin when the man himself didn't think of stopping anytime soon.

Jungkook dismissed the thoughts as soon as his mind made up more questions every second. The boy threw on a white t-shirt over his loose black joggers as he gathered all the other clothes he overpacked the night he first arrived.

"I guess I didn't overpack at all..." Jungkook whispered before he let out a soft chuckle into the silent room. As soon as he gathered all of his things, the boy then walked up to the door and let out a sigh. Knowing well that this was the only place he was truly alone. Now that Jimin reigned over his world, he was never alone. In a way, Jimin neglected the boy every day, but at the end of that, they still shared a bed late at night when the whole world was asleep.

Eventually, Jungkook stepped out to see Jimin standing right by the door, wearing his usual plague doctor mask along with the top hat to conceal his beautiful black silk hair. Jimin didn't say another word as he only tilted his head at the sight of Jungkook and walked forward. Adjusting his gloves over his hands once he reached out for the button to the elevator. Along the way, the two didn't exchange words on their way back to the sixth floor, Jungkook didn't know what else to say when he found himself looking at Jimin as they stood close in the elevator. The deafening silence was enough to make Jungkook believe that this was yet, another punishment Jimin had in mind.

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