✧ 𝗔 𝗩𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗚𝗶𝗳𝘁 || 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂 ~ 𝖢𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗌 𝖲𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗂𝖺𝗅!

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- 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺



"Time to wake up, my dearest."


"Come on, wake up now, dear."

Your eyes finally peeled open after having Zhongli continuously poke you awake. He lay beside you using his elbow to prop himself up to look at you. "...Zhongli?" You murmured, still groggy and aching for more sleep as Zhongli only chuckled lightly "I have a surprise for you, and I cannot wait for you to see it." He spoke, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek before sitting up.

"Is it..?"

"Yes, my dear. It is indeed Christmas."

And just like that you shot yourself awake and pulled yourself out of bed before Zhongli did.  "Excited are we?"

You nodded, stepping in front of Zhongli and placing your hands on either side of his face, surprising him. "Of course, Zhongli! It's Christmas!!" He nodded, of course that was the only answer. In a flash you headed to the door but Zhongli grabbed hold of your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.  "But before we do anything, I'd like to show you something."

Your eyes gleamed in excitement. "Surprise you say?"

"Of course, my dear. I have prepared a gift for you."

Feeling excited and giddy, you peppered his face with kisses, making him blush. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You beamed in between kisses. "Calm down, (Y/n)." He chuckled, getting himself up from bed and taking your hand in his to bring you to the living room.

When you reached the living room, he had you sit down on the couch with your hands covering your eyes. "Just wait here, I'm going to go get it." You bit your lip and tapped your feet against the floor in anticipation as Zhongli's footsteps grew more distant.

What did he get me? A scarf? New clothes? Or...

Finally after a few minutes of waiting, the footsteps returned and you could tell he was now standing in front of you. "You can open your eyes now!" He piped up with a smile and excitedly, you remove your hands from your eyes and blinked them open to see Zhongli with a Pomeranian puppy in his hands.

"Merry Christmas, my dear!"

Your had a wide smile on your lips as you practically kept up and took the puppy from his hands. "A puppy!!" You squealed, embracing the adorable pooch in your arms.
"Zhongli!! Thank you so much!!!"

He smiled at the sight displayed before him - you hopping up and down whilst the small animal brushed its head against your chest happily. "She's adorable!!" You continued to beam.

Zhongli chuckled and rested his hands in your waist, the puppy now in between the both of you. "I'm glad you love it." He then pressed a kiss to your forehead before lifting his finger to pet the puppy "well? What will you name her?"

"Hmm..." you began with a light pout. "Maybe.. Mochi! Yes, let's go with Mochi!" The moment those words left your lips, Mochi barked, her large adorable eyes looking into your own. "Yes, Mochi will do nicely. Her coat is as white and fluffy as snow." Zhongli added.

You carefully set her down so she could run around the living room. "I can't believe it, you got me a puppy." You grinned, facing Zhongli to wrap your arms around his waist. "Well, you did mention it before, about wanting a dog since you were a girl."

"But my parents didn't let me." You finished with a sigh.

"Ooh, but I have a gift for you too." Your eyes widened, almost forgetting Zhongli's present after being so distracted by your adorable new Mochi. "Oh? You certainly didn't have to." He spoke as you then made your way to the Christmas tree to look through the presents until finally, you found the one that belonged to him.

"Of course I had to." You smiled, getting up from your knees and handing it to Zhongli. "It's Christmas and you're more special to me than you'd ever know.." you ducked your head in embarrassment. A fit of butterflies erupted in Zhongli's stomach at your words as well as a creeping blush that stained his cheeks.

"I... I love you." He suddenly breathed out, making it your turn to blush. "And I love you too, now open your present!" You raised your chin up with a smile, trying to keep your cool and not kiss him right then and there because of that handsome face of his.

Zhongli then undid the neatly tied ribbon and tore the paper from where you had securely taped it together to reveal a soft tan scarf, the one he had been eyeing during your trip to the stores to get gifts for all your friends.

"I saw you staring at it so I made an excuse that I left something inside a store so I could get it for you."

Zhongli wrapped it around his neck and pulled the cloth above his nose. "Thank you very much, (Y/n)." He then took your hand in his and started heading to the door, Mochi following behind with her tongue sticking out.
"W-where are we going?"

"I'd just like to go out with you for a bit."

You blushed as Mochi followed you out the door. "Do you just want to show off that scarf?"


Total lie

And so the two of you had went out to enjoy Liyue and all their holiday festivities and even bumping into Childe. But later on that evening, Xiangling had prepared a Christmas party for everyone, and of course had Xinyan perform her newly written songs.

The party was a blast, all your friends were there (including Childe) and even Mochi who just adored him to your surprise. As well as both Beidou and Ningguang who chatted with you practically the whole night.

It was certainly a happy holiday indeed.

Oh to have Beidou and Ningguang on each arm. Both are GODDESSES (;'ٹ')

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