𝗣𝗲𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 || 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂

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- 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


Zhongli's attention was caught by the sound of someone yelling and complaining by the docks of Liyue Harbor as he went for a short stroll, but his interests peaked when he noticed that it was you grumbling to yourself.

He decided to follow where the yelling was coming from and when he did, he spotted you there, hanging your legs precariously over the docks.

"Honestly, can't I go one day withou-"

"(Y/n)?" His voice was gentle and quiet as he perked his head over to look at you.
"Z-zhongli?!" You exclaimed and frantically got up on your feet, which unfortunately caused you to stumble and fall right into the cold water.

"(Y/n)!" Zhongli gasped before he scrambled his way over to extend his hand for you to reach as you treaded the water.

When you managed to grab hold of your hand, he lifted you up and over with ease. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly as you coughed up from swallowing a bit of the salt water. "Y-yeah I'm fine.." you replied whilst gasping for air, moving from your kneeling position to sit down.

Zhongli then reached over and tucked a wet clump of your hair behind your ear, his amber eyes looking warmly at your own. He was so dreamy he didnt even have to try. A blush warmed your cheeks followed by the clearing of your throat.

"Here, you must be freezing." He then draped his coat jacket over your shoulder and you thanked him. "So," he began,"You seemed upset earlier.. what's on your mind?" He asked as he inched closer to you.

In all honesty, you saw a group of girls practically surrounding Zhongli earlier, making goo goo eyes and taking their arms around his and it pissed you off. It seemed like they knew of your crush on him because whenever you'd approach Zhongli, they would all come rushing to his side to flirt with him.

"I.. don't wanna talk about it.." you muttered, turning away and folding your arms across your chest with a pout. Zhongli cocked a brow and leaned forward to try and look at you but you turned your back on him, to which, he
couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey," he called out to you, placing a hand on your shoulder this time. "You can tell me."

You only twisted your body more, further denying his pleads. With a soft sigh, Zhongli got up but you quickly grabbed on his sleeve. "Oh? what's this? You wanna talk now?" He smirked, causing your blush to deepen.

He sat back down but you still didn't speak. You just enjoyed being there with him like this, even if you were soaking wet from falling into the ocean. Zhongli pursed his lips to the side until a particular idea popped up his mind.

He reached into his pocket and took out a single mora coin before nudging your side.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

A small smile reached your lips when he handed you the mora coin, your thumb ran against the intricate designs of the coin. You really couldn't deny him now, but how could you possibly explain to him why?

"Well," you awkwardly bit your lip, staring at the water below your feet. "There's this guy..."
His eyes widened slightly at the mention of guy. Surely you didn't mean another guy than him, he hoped.

"And I really really like him.."


"But every time I try and talk to him, these girls always cling to his arms for dear life and it just makes me uncomfortable.. not only that but they keep on flirting as if a guy like him would ever fall for obsessive girls like them.."

Zhongli thought for a moment who this mystery man was until it suddenly clicked.

He remembered the numerous times you'd turn way from him after a posse of girls threw themselves at him; He remembered that angry, blushing face whenever you'd storm off.

"Ohh I see," he smiled, feeling glad that you had felt the same way about him. He may be thousands of years old, but with age came knowledge so that being said, he could easily read people.

"So yeah, that's pretty much it.." you finished as you wrapped the jacket around you tighter.

Suddenly the taller male looked toward you with a small smile and said:

"I can assure you, (Y/n), that I feel the same way about you."

Your eyes widened with shock. "W-wha?!"
"I finally figured you out." He spoke softly and draped his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer. You couldn't fight it now, he found out and so you hesitantly rested your head on his shoulder, no liner denying your feelings.

"I'm an idiot.." you murmured, burying your face into your hands.

Zhongli chuckled and held you tightly against him. "Don't say such things.. I'm glad to know you see me that way."

The beating of your heart could never be louder as your soaked form was pressed up against the god of contracts himself, who now happened to share the same feelings towards you.

Things just couldn't get luckier.

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