𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝘀 || 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗒𝗎𝗇

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- 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗒𝗎𝗇 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


"if I grow taller than you like this," he gestured to a whole foot above your head while standing on his tiptoes. "You'll marry me right?" He cocked a brow, now resting his hand at his sides. "How 'bout we see when the time actually comes, shortie?" You replied, rolling your eyes playfully.

Like he would ever get any taller than you.. right?

And so five years later from that silly discussion that you two had, you sat alone on the tables outside Wanmin restaurant, awaiting to meet Chongyun who you hadn't seen in the last three years. You were simply dying of curiosity; what does he look like now? Has he actually grown any taller? Did his voice get any deeper?

You waited a little longer anxiously in your seat, wondering when he would arrive for your catching-up dinner.

"Good evening," a voice spoke, making you jump in your seat "I'll order in a bit, I'm waiting for someone.." you replied, not bothering to look behind you to see who it was after having multiple waiters approach you and ask if you'd like to order anything.
"Wow, (Y/n), you're still as careless as ever."
The voice chuckled. You cocked a brow and awkwardly turned around to see who it was.

"Y-Yunnie?!" You exclaimed, prompting him to smile as you got up from your seat, contemplating wether you should hug him or not. Shockingly enough, he was now a six footer which was much taller than you now. A blush crept up to your cheeks as you carelessly checked him out, starting from his feet to his head.

His hair was longer and tied into a ponytail but his clothes were only a little bit different from when you were younger, his jacket was open now, revealing his black long sleeved shirt beneath. "W-wow." You uttered out. A soft smile curved at his lips as he cockily raised his hand to meet his height and moved it over your head.

"Look who's the shortie now, (Y/n)?" He chuckled and your face fell into a frown, "the years haven't been kind to you has it?" He added as you swatted his hand away. "Ha ha, very funny." You grumbled, turning your back to him to sit down. "You still haven't changed.."

"Believe me," he said, sitting down on the seat in front of you. "I've changed a lot actually."
Worry washed over you, "wait, does that mean you have a girlfriend?!"

Chongyun's eyes widened, "w-why would you think that I? T-that I would-" He blushed, fumbling with his words and you raised a brow, "yeah, you haven't changed one bit." He only shot you a disappointed look, "well I'm taller than you now, so the egg is on your face!" He poked his tongue out like a child.

As he sat there scowling, you couldn't help but stare, he was so handsome with his hair all messy yet tied into a ponytail. He looked like some kinda prince of a dynasty, heck he almost reminded you of Kaeya due to how charming he looked now.

"Like what you see?" He teased and you quickly tore your gaze away "oh shut up, wouldja?"

Later on the both of you were talking about all the crazy things that had happened over the last three years of being apart; like crazy and unexpected missions like successfully delivering food by making sure you didn't get your boots wet which didn't make sense to you how the food would get ruined at all. ( I hate the new event >:(( )

The waitress arrived and you placed your orders before getting back to whatever you were talking about.

"So, what about you?" Chongyun said, leaning his elbow on the table to rest his chin on his palm. "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" He asked, and you couldn't help but laugh, "really? You think I'd end up with any of the guys we used to adventure with?"

"No, I was just wondering." He shook his head. He was glad you didn't have a boyfriend yet because his feelings for you never faltered one bit despite how long you two were separated.

"Right..." you squinted your eyes before taking a quick sip of your drink. After a brief moment of silence, the waitress arrived with your food and the both of you happily dug in. "Mmh! This is good!" You smiled, fingers forming in an 'ok' sign before kissing them. "Chefs kiss" Chongyun chuckled, copying you.

"Well, Xiangling is still running the joint as usual."

"Say, (Y/n)" Chongyun spoke after swallowing his rice and matsutake rolls. "You doing anything tomorrow?" You shook your head, twirling the noodles around your chopsticks. "Nope, what did you have in mind?"

"I was wondering if we could explore like we used to, maybe take out some hillichurls or something." He shrugged.

"Sure, we can pick some apples on the way,"
You added, taking a mouthful of noodles.

The next day..

You and Chongyun decided to meet on one of the statue of the sevens by Cuijoe slope and once you both got there, he was entranced by your beauty now that he could see you better in the daylight. "Wow," he sighed, unaware of his gawking. "Pfft, what?" You cocked a brow, resting your hands on your hips.

He blushed and straightened himself up and stammered, eyes darting from place to place to make up an excuse. "T-there! There's some apples over there!" He said a little too loudly while pointing his finger in the direction behind you. "You said you wanted some yesterday right?"

"Oh neat!" You grinned and turned around, walking down the hill. Chongyun couldn't help but watch the little sway your hips did when you were walking, hypnotizing him and causing his blush to darken.

"Well?" You called "you coming or what??"

"R-right! Sorry!" He chuckled nervously and jogged over to you. When you reached the tree you unfortunately found it was too high for you to reach and so you attempted to tip toe or even jump but it was no use.

Chongyun chuckled and easily took the apple from the branch and handed it to you.
"You see me now?" He smirked with a raised brow. You then remembered what he asked the last time he stood this close to you in this specific position.

"So," Chongyun started, lifting his arms to measure your height to his "if I grow taller than you like this," he gestured to a whole foot above your head while standing on his tiptoes. "You'll marry me right?" He cocked a brow, now resting his hand at his sides. "How 'bout we see when the time actually comes, shortie?" You replied, rolling your eyes playfully.

Your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head as you sunk to the grass with your knees. "(Y/n)!" He exclaimed, dipping down to catch you. "Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly hoisting you up into his arms, carrying you like you were his bride.

Your eyes then fluttered open only to be met with his bright blue eyes. Nice, you had a crush now. "Y-yeah, I'll marry you now.." you carelessly uttered out before your eyes gave in and you had passed out due to flusteredness.

"What? (Y/n) I-"

And then that's when he remembered it too.
"Well, I guess we're getting married now."

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