𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗯𝗹𝘂𝗺𝗲 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 || 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂

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- 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


a Mondstadt tradition that celebrates love and freedom. But as excited as you were to enjoy what the festival has to offer, you had been assigned to pick up a few Cecilia flowers, Windwheel Asters, Dandelions, sweetflowers and Lampgrass for the flower shop you worked at since flowers were on high demand for the festival.

The gaurds that were stationed at the city's gates waved to you as you headed towards Windrise with your wooden cart. "Be careful out there, Ms. (Y/n)" one of them said as you continued down the bridge. You yelled back that you would and proceeded to your destination.

When you finally reached Windrise you made sure to gather as much Windwheel Asters as you could and luckily, the place was littered with them. Humming a tune to yourself, you slipped your gloves on and grabbed your garden sheers as you easily gathered the flowers along with a few sweetflowers.

Once you were finished taking every flower you spotted, you arranged them on your cart and headed to your next destination — Wolvendom.

Whenever you entered there you knew you wouldn't be in much trouble. Though it was a dense forest, it was always nice to see a familiar face who greeted you each time you visited -- Razor.

Oftentimes he'd assist you with gathering lampgrass flowers and arrange them neatly on your cart. Not only that but he'd protect you from any nearby monsters that would try and steal your belongings. Since you had his help, you finished early and the wolf boy waved you goodbye with a tiny lopsided grin as you continued to Starsnatch cliff.

There you climbed the steep hills, avoiding nearby hillichurl camps and slimes to keep your outfit from getting dirtied and your cart destroyed.

As the wind blew through your hair, you managed to catch a deep breath. Traveling around Mondstadt for the sake of flowers was no easy task and climbing this hill would often be quite time consuming. But to your luck, the Cecelia flowers were abundant and you hastily picked each one up and quickly placed them on your cart.

Finally you were almost finished until you noticed a few more at the very edge of the cliff. You trudged your way up, gardening sheers in hand.

Once you made it to the top, your eyes grew wide when they fell upon the view. Mondstadt looked gorgeous from where you stood and it simply took your breath away. You stepped even further and found yourself leaning a bit too forward and not a moment goes by for you to react when a forceful gush of wind blew behind you and pushed your body forward.

Your breath hitched when you saw how your body was being pulled down by gravity. You couldn't call for help, no one was there to hear you. Instantly your arms scrambled to reach for something but suddenly your wrist was yanked away, spinning your body around to face the person who caught you just in the nick of time.

"My my, you almost fell there!"

The voice belonged to the Anemo archon himself, Venti.

You gasped when your body collided forcefully with his, your arms and legs shaking in fear. "Oh gods!" You yelped, clamping your eyes shut and wrapping your arms around Venti's waist. "Thank you, Venti! I would've died if it weren't for you!"

He chuckled despite your near death experience and you timidly pulled away from him, eyes darting down to the floor. "You should be more careful next time, (Y/n)." He told you, resting his hands on his hips. "Y-yeah, sorry it's just I got distracted from the view.."

Venti turned his attention to the view and grinned softly. "Yes, it is quite beautiful from up here." There was a brief moment of silence between the both of you before he faced you again, this time he stepped a little closer.
"So I take it you're gathering some flowers for the festival?"

You nodded as he followed you to the cart where all the flowers were still arranged according to species. "Yeah, the shop ran out so quickly this morning so they ordered me to get some more." Venti only hummed in response as he plucked the last standing Cecilia from the ground.

He twirled it around his fingers, staring at the petals as you slipped off your gloves and placed the gardening sheers inside the cart. Venti's eyes then parted from you to the flower and he wasted no time to approach you, swaying the flower gently by your face.

"Do you even get to join the festivities?" He asked as you turned around to face him and you blushed when he gestured for you to take the flower. "N-no, I think I still have to take care of the shop." You sighed, taking the cecelia and placing it along with the others much too Venti's dismay, simply because he wanted you to put it over your ear.

A small frown fell upon his face when you began walking along with your cart and he jogged over to your side.

"You've been working way too hard, (Y/n)." He suddenly spoke and you shrugged. "I have to, it's my job." The male huffed in annoyance as you both made it back to Mondstadt.

Your boss thanked you for the quick delivery and already the other staff began refilling the empty flower buckets arranged outside. You offered to do it but your boss declined and said you should to take a much needed rest.
You tried to retort but you felt Venti place his hand on you shoulder. You spared him a short glance and finally agreed, thanking your boss right after.

"Now that you're free, would you like to come with me to enjoy the festival?"

You jumped in surprise by the sudden question and your eyes met with Venti's. He smiled a little and you couldn't help but follow.
"I'd be glad to."

The remainder of your afternoon time was spent doing a few gliding challenges and balloon shooting challenges which ended with you and Venti sitting next to each other under the tree right by the gates of Mondstadt.

The town finally grew quiet as the evening drew near and Venti was plucking on the strings of his lyre softly to a melodic tune. You inhaled deeply and swayed your legs that rested upon the grass, watching the tips of your shoes tap with each other.

"Did you enjoy today's festivities?" Venti suddenly spoke up and you hummed tiredly. "Yes I did, I'm glad you forced me to it." You finished, a soft chuckle emitting from your chest causing Venti to smile softly.

"Well you don't need worry about not having time. The festival goes on for a few days more, you'll have plenty of time."

Your fingers played with your sleeve, reimagine your day spent with Venti. He was very kind and took care of you throughout the day. He even teased you about owing him wine and it made you grin. You really enjoyed spending time with him today and you secretly wished he would join you for the next few days during the festival, but he probably had other plans.

"Yeah.. you're right."

Though your time with him today was only just a few hours, you were simply glad to have spent your time with Venti during the Windblume Festival.

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