𝗦𝗮𝗳𝗲 || 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼

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𝗦𝗔𝗙𝗘- 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼 -

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- 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


Diluc stormed through Mondstadt followed by his worried brother Kaeya who hurriedly jogged after him. "I suggest you calm down, (Y/n) is safe now and is healing in the-"
Kaeya was quickly cut off by Diluc's angered state. "That fatui bastard hurt her knowing damn well I wasn't there to protect her."

The two brothers faced each other with fearsome eyes that made the citizens around them quiver where they stood. "Diluc, do you think (Y/n) would want you to be doing this?" Kaeya seemed to have calmed down in the slightest, however, Diluc did not. "What do you know about what she wants?" He spat, fingers clenching tightly into his palm.

Kaeya raised his arms in front of him in a calming manner, his foot taking one step forward. "Just be here for her, she needs you the most right now."

Diluc's eyes softened at the thought of you needing him which made his heart ache even more.  "Take care of her before anything, Diluc. God knows she needs it." Diluc sighed in defeat and turned on his heel to jog after you inside the safe walls of the cathedral of Mondstadt. Kaeya felt rather surprised that he had managed to urge his brother to do the right thing since usually they butted-heads. But he knew Diluc cared deeply about you more than anything and so he offered to help when he could.

As Diluc sprinted up the stairs, he couldn't help but think about that so called 'fatui bastard' named Tartaglia - better known as Childe on the battlefield. He knew from the start he was not to be trusted and yet you decided to do so, believing that there was something good in everyone. You understood that Childe never took it personally and only believed that you both had different views of things. But alas you had to face him in a sudden battle joined by abyss and Cicin mages alone resulting in various injuries.

Once Diluc made it inside the holy cathedral, he made a beeline for the recovery room which was sealed by a large wooden door. "Barbara? It's Diluc, open the door." He spoke, knocking his knuckles against the door. Not long after, Barbara had emerged and offered him a light smile. "I stabilized her heavy wounds and took care of the minor cuts and bruises. Still though, she looks rough.."

Diluc didn't know what else to say than to thank her for what she was able to do. All he wanted now was to be at your side and swear he'd murder the man who hurt you.

"She's still asleep but feel free to come inside." Barbara sweetly opened the door for him and once his eyes fell upon your bandaged body, his heart sank. To give the couple some privacy, Barbara closed the door and made her way to the adventurers guild to meet up with Jean and discuss how you were doing.

Diluc took in a sharp breath as he quickly made his way over to your side. "How could he do this to you.." he whimpered as his hand gingerly rested over yours. Fifteen minutes pass and Diluc remained at your side. He watched as you slept peacefully and would often press a featherlight kiss to the top of your hand expressing how worried he was for you.

An hour goes by and suddenly your eyes peeled open to see the blurry ceiling before blinking them a few more times to adjust to the light. Looking over to your side, Diluc was now leaning over your bed with his hand still on top of your own, very much asleep. "...Diluc?" You croaked, eyes stinging with tears. The red-haired man stirred before finally lifting his head up to meet you. Immediately, his eyes grew wide and worried once he saw that you were crying.

"(Y/n)! Do you feel alright? Are you in pain?"

You only shook your head with a sniffle. "Diluc.. I'm so sorry.." your lips wavered as you spoke, fearing you might break down completely and worry him more. "I didn't listen to you and got myself hurt.."

Diluc held onto your hand and assured you that the good thing was you were safe and healing, and that everything was going to be just fine. But you couldn't help but feel guilty even though the situation was totally out of your control. "Listen to me, don't feel bad because you didn't do anything wrong." Diluc told you, his thumb caressing your skin.

Although the battle was over, you felt scared.. like you were back on that grassy field fending off irritable abyss mages and cicin mages as well as Tartaglia who made it clear that he had the upper hand. Other than the fear you were feeling and the shakiness of your legs, you felt cold; freezing cold and touch-starved for Diluc's warm embrace.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Diluc asked, eyes trailing over the white bandage on your cheek and the bandage wrapped around your head to the cut on your bottom lip. "Anything at all, (Y/n). You just have to say the word."

You lifted your chin up and met the gaze of your lover. "Diluc... P-please hold me.."

He knew couldn't refuse that face even if he tried and so with the most loving and caring smile, he gently took you in for a warm embrace. The moment you wrapped your arms around his waist, you burst into tears. Fearing you'd stain his jacket from your tears, you pulled your head away only for Diluc to place his hand behind your head and rested it on his shoulder.

"It's alright, (Y/n). I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."

Your arms tightened around him and finally grew relaxed. Your eyes closed as he raked his fingers through your hair to soothe you. And just when things couldn't get any better, Diluc pressed a kiss to your temple after he told you that he loved you and a soft smile reached your lips as you dug your face into his chest and he whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

Throughout your cuddle session, Diluc ignored the idea of telling you that he would make Childe pay for hurting you because he knew that wasn't what you wanted to hear knowing revenge wasn't your forte. Diluc eventually shut his eyes, relishing in your small form that he held so dearly now that you were safe in his arms.


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