𝗧𝗿𝘂𝗲 𝗞𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 || 𝖷𝗂𝖺𝗈

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- 𝖷𝗂𝖺𝗈 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


and made him fake being the guy who wrote her the letters fifteen years ago until he slowly realized that he loved her when Dosan got together with her.. like, he should've just told her it was him and then boom, happily ever after.." you finished, crossing your arms over your chest in disappointment about the romance novel you were currently reading.

"That must've been annoying." Xiao chuckled, his eyes focused on styling your (h/l) hair. "Well it's supposed to be annoying since it's about a love triangle.." you replied with a sigh.

Xiao only hummed in response, keeping a hair pin between his teeth as he worked. "Like Han Jipyeong was clearly more boyfriend material for Dalmi.." you continued, over expressing yourself with your hand gestures. "But don't you think that Dalmi's happiness was more important?" Xiao added, sectioning your hair and moving it over your shoulder. "And I personally don't think that Han Jipyeong would interfere since he knows that Dalmi is already happy with Dosan."

"I guess you're right.." you muttered, drawing lines with the tip of you finger on the white bedsheets. "I just wonder how romantic it would've been if she ended up with Han Jipyeong.. I mean, he literally wrote her letters since they were young!"

Xiao only chuckled with a shake of his head, "you're getting so worked up about this romance novel. It's adorable." He then retracted his fingers from your hair after finishing your requested hairstyle. "I applaud the author for being so evil as to successfully toy with my heartstrings." You placed the back of your hand against your forehead and leaned back dramatically.

"Right, those author's have too much power in their hands don't they?" Xiao spoke, further fueling your excitement for romance novels. "Exactly! Like they find out fans have a favorite character and go: 'oh? You liked this character? Well guess what, he or she is dead now muahaha!!" You cackled at the end with a evil smirk and resting your hands at your sides condescendingly.

Xiao could only stop and stare at how adorable and silly you were being. "Hey, I'm done." He spoke, tapping your shoulder as you continued to mock writers and their infinite power to break the reader's hearts.

"Ooh, let me see." You giggled as Xiao handed you a mirror. "You look beautiful, my love." He said, pressing a light kiss on your cheek. Placing the mirror behind your head, you could see how stunning your hair looked, simply amazed at how Xiao did your hair.

"Woah, that looks great!" You smiled, now shifting from pose to pose before setting the mirror down to face your lover who had a feint blush on his cheeks.

"Thanks Xiao!" You piped up, connecting your lips with his. He eagerly kissed back, his eyes already closing and his hand resting on your cheek. When you parted, you too had a small blush on your cheeks followed by the fluttery feeling you were getting in your stomach due to how handsome Xiao is.

You giggled, causing him to cock a brow.


"It's nothing.."

"Come on what is it?"

"You're just really handsome, Xiao, like I simply don't understand how one could be so mmph!" You replied, pinching your fingers together. "Come here you," Xiao smiled, as he swiftly slipped his arm around your back and tackled you onto the bed. "Mmph!" You giggled against his lips while he towered over your form.

Oh yes, this was the true kind of love.

Oh yEs, a soft little fluff again with Xiao because wHY nOt amiright? Anyways, i hope you Xiao lovers out there enjoyed this and if you know about the romance novel (K-drama) that (Y/n) and Xiao were talking about then NICE u get a gold star ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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