𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗢𝘂𝘁 𝗠𝘆 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲 || 𝖷𝗂𝖺𝗈

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- 𝖷𝗂𝖺𝗈 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


How ironic it was that you forced Xiao not to come along with you during this particular mission since you believed he always did most of the work, leaving you no time to improve during your fighting skills and elemental abilities. But unfortunately for you, it wasn't the best idea to keep Xiao from coming with you.

You were ambushed by a group of Fatui Skirmishers and agents, surrounding you like prey. You had nothing to defend yourself but your sword and pyro vision. "What the hell do you want from me?" You spat whilst a single bead of sweat ran down your temple. The group shared glances and let out a few chuckles.

"It's really none of your business, little lady."

Your fingers clenched tightly around the hilt of your sword, trying to figure out what you could possibly do to escape from this situation. "Our boss has their own plans for you so why don't you save us some time and come with us?"

It was almost unfair how huge these men were — no, it was really unfair. You were strong but not enough to take them all out on your own. You needed support but you didn't have any.
Great, now it would damage my pride and make me look weak when I call for Xiao..
You thought, angrily biting the inside of your cheek.

Ack!- but what the hell am I supposed to do now?! Die I guess.

They were approaching slowly, backing you up to the edge of the cliff which further enhanced your panicked state. Your shoulders and knees tensed up yet still you maintained your fierce gaze. "Come on, quit stalling or we're going to have to hurt you."

Gathering all your strength and any confidence you had left, you raised your sword and summoned your pyro abilities towards the closest one to you. "Argh! Why you little-!" He hissed when you successfully landed a blow, causing him to stumble back.

He then raised his giant hammer, his electro abilities electrocuting you and halting your movements. With ease, he smashed his hammer onto the ground which shook the ground. The cliff grew unstable as you flung back from the impact.

You shrieked as your body flung over the edge, ultimately causing you to fall of the cliff. Ok, no no no! Your body turned so that it was facing the distant ground and immediately you brought your arms in front of you to pathetically shield you.

"Okay! Okay! I was wrong!—Xiao!!!!"

Your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you braced for death but not until a few seconds later when Xiao showed up, carrying you.

"Be careful next time." He spoke and your eyes shot open to meet Xiao's intimidating gaze. You couldn't even speak as he quickly teleported through the air and landed behind the group of Fatui men. "So," he began and they all turned around.

"Which one of you sent my girlfriend off the cliff?"

You blushed when he said 'girlfriend' and it embarrassed you how easily this man could affect you.

The Fatui prepared themselves for battle and didn't hesitate to come bolting towards Xiao. Before they could reach you, Xiao glanced at you and smiled softly. "We do this together, otherwise you're dead." Ok, he switched up real fast but it was still sexy.

You nodded with a gulp and readied your sword. Xiao then proceeded to attack with you behind, lending him your support which easily took them down. You aimed towards one of the agents, weakening them while Xiao landed the finishing blow.

There was only one left — the one who sent you off the cliff. He came running towards you and jumping into the air to give his swing more force. Xiao grabbed hold of your waist and dodged the electro static and area of attack.
"Thank you." You breathed out and Xiao nodded before quickly slipping away, using his Yaksha abilities to continuously land plunging attacks supported by his Anemo abilities.

Noticing the agony in the fatui's face, you summoned your blazing pyro lanterns that surrounded him in a circle before blowing up, creating an enormous explosion which defeated him.

Xiao landed by your side and saw the giddy smile on your lips as you hopped up proudly. "Yeah!! Take that!!" You laughed, posing excessively with your sword. But your giddiness was short lived when you noticed Xiao with his arms crossed over his chest.

You jumped when you saw the way he was looking at you. "X-Xiao! Hey.. uhm.." you chuckled nervously but suddenly Xiao cupped your cheeks and pulled you in close. "You need to be more careful next time."

You pouted and your eyes darted to the side. "Yeah, I know.. it's just— I didn't expect to get ambushed!" The male sighed and rested his hands on his hips. "I'll forgive you this time, but remember you should be prepared if an ambush ever does occur again."

"Xiao I need hugs not a lecture." You teased jokingly even though he was right, turning your back to him and folding your arms over your chest. Xiao stifled a laugh before playfully shaking his head and wrapping his arms around you. "I know you want hugs, so let's go home now."

You smiled and twisted your body so you could hug him back.

"But I hoped you learned something today."

"Yeah, I did."

"And again, I can't stress this enough, (Y/n). If you're ever in trouble and you need help, don't hesitate to-"

"To call out your name.. thanks Xiao"

"I'll protect you, my love."

(Sorry this was a little short but) have you ever looked at Xiao and suddenly your skin is cleared and your crops are watered?? Because.. s a m e  *cries*

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