𝗘𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 || 𝖷𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗊𝗂𝗎

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𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚- 𝖷𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗊𝗂𝗎 -

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- 𝖷𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗊𝗂𝗎 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


were doing your usual every day work which was different commissions from the people around Liyue and sometimes even Mondstadt. Most of them were the same one every week so you weren't phased by anything that crossed your path. Especially since Xingqiu was around, the enemies went down fairly easily.

You were just getting back to Liyue Harbor for lunch and in your excitement for Xiangling's cooking, you jogged up ahead with a smile plastered on your face until you were met with a cliff side. Xingqiu noticed and in slight panic, he rushed to your side. "(Y/n)! Be careful, you might've fallen!" He told you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry, Xingqiu!" You smiled bashfully, blushing at his touch "I have my wind glider! But it's sweet to know you care.."

Now it was Xingqiu's turn to blush as he averted his eyes from yours. "B-but of course I'd care, I wouldn't know what to do if something terrible happened to you..." the last part came out under his breath but you still heard it nonetheless.

Moments later, you turned to face the view and it was beautiful. The sky was a mix of orange and purple and together with the deep orange hues of the sunlight that reflected into the pools of water below the cliff made it all the more radiant. As you took in a breath of fresh air, Xingqiu looked over to you with a gentle smile. To him you were far more beautiful than anything he'd ever seen.

You both stayed there for a short while to admire the beauty Liyue held in that time of day until you heard an all to familiar chant.
When you both turned around, you saw two infamous Abyss mages. One of pyro and hydro. In a flash, you and Xingqiu revealed your weapons as the abyss mages whirled their staffs.

Xingqiu summoned his hydro swords and began his attack toward the pyro abyss mage. "I've got this one!" He told you, swiftly dodging its flames. "O-okay" you didn't even realize what you were saying after their sudden attack and Xingqiu's quick movements. You blinked, averting your attention toward the hydro abyss mage as it summoned a circle of rain that poured on you.

Luckily for you, you were a cryo elemental and so you created a rainfall of ice daggers shooting down toward the hydro mage. It shrieked whilst it froze over. With a smirk, you continually whirled yours spear, attacking it with speed and precision. You were so caught up in the moment that you didn't notice the pyro mage summon it's flaming birds toward you.

"Look out!!" Xingqiu yelled but you were only given a second to react. Your body was taken over by a vaporize reaction, making you hiss in pain. As the flames burned to your direction, the recoil pushed you to the edge of the cliff. Your body was too close to the edge. "(Y/n)!" Xingqiu stumbled on his own feet as he tried to reach you.

The hydro mage had gone, leaving Xingqiu and the pyro mage. His eyes narrowed in anger as he lunged forward, summoning his blades once again and finishing off the pyro mage.

He saw how your eyes fell closed and he rushed to your side, scooping you into his arms and away from the cliff side. "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He hooked his arm under your head whilst brushing a few strands of your (e/c) hair away from your face. Suddenly your eyes shot open and you managed to catch your breath, ending up in a coughing fit. Xingqiu placed his hand on your cheek to scan for any more injuries. "Talk to me, are you okay?"

You inhaled a sharp breath before nodding. Relieved, Xingqiu took your hand to help you up but you groaned in pain when he moved. "You're hurt aren't you?." he spoke, worry laced in his voice. "No... I-I'm okay.." you attempted to get up but you felt your entire left side burn with pain. "Agh!" You exclaimed, dropping your head back down.

"Don't worry, (Y/n).. I-I'll carry you back and we'll have you healed in no time."

Despite your efforts to stop him due to three embarrassment, Xingqiu insisted and there was nothing you could do to stop him.

As he carried you down the path that led to Liyue Harbor's entrance, you couldn't help but steal a glance. Xingqiu had caught you though and the both of you looked away with pink stained cheeks. "You.. you really worried me, (Y/n).." he told you, biting the inside of his cheek. "I'm sorry.. I didn't see it coming." You chuckled nervously followed by a short cough.

No matter what you did that was precarious, Xingqiu was always there to ensure your safety. At the start, he was less panicky than he was now but that was probably because of your near death experience by the edge of a cliff. However despite it all, you found it very sweet and endearing of him to do so.

At this point, maybe a confession wouldn't seem so bad, would it?

"Hey, Xingqiu?" You called, bravely meeting his eyes. "What is it?" He replied after noticing that he was just approaching the gates of the harbor. "I like you.."

The boy stopped in his tracks and scanned your expression in surprise. "What do you mean by that? Like as friends I suppose?"
You sighed, already feeling hopes of him maybe liking you back growing dim. "No, Xingqiu, I like you as in... I have feelings for you that I never had with anyone before."

His eyes grew wide and his cheeks reddened. "Really?" He fought back a giddy smile but ultimately failed. And it made you smile too. "Yeah, I adore you, Xingqiu."

He grinned happily and pressed his cheek onto your forehead as a way to hug you. "I really like you too, (Y/n)! I'm so glad you feel the same."

After that, you had arrived inside the harbor and Xingqiu had you fixed up before heading to Wanmin restaurant where Matsutake rolls were waiting just for you. Funnily enough, while you were seeking medical attention, Xingqiu had ordered it for you so by the time you got back, you had food to eat.

The day ended with you and Xingqiu eating together and happily you pressed a kiss to his cheek which made him hide behind his book in embarrassment.


For those who don't know, I released a new book! It's called 'Agape' and it's a story of how you and Diluc are childhood sweethearts but you end up in an arranged marriage with Kaeya. So yes, a whole lotta drama!

Feel free to check it out if you'd like!

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