𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗟𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 || 𝖥𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋! 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂

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- 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


when you had finished dinner, and the soft gurgles of your son along with Venti happily cradling him in his arms made it all the more peaceful.

When you dried your hands on the towel by the sink after washing, you heard Venti singing while swaying his son in the air. As he continued, you couldn't help but giggle. He was always so eager to sing and play with his son even though you were the favorite. (He would strongly disagree to that statement though)

"Alright you two, it's time for bed." You spoke as you approached your husband with arms wide open, asking to take your son, Kumi for nap time. But to your surprise, Venti refused. He embraced Kumi and turned his back to you with a pout.

"Nope! Not so fast, my dear wife."

You held back a chuckle at his behavior and at the sweet nickname. "And why's that?"

The tone deaf bard pressed a delicate kiss to the top of Kumi's head while tucking away a strand of his dark blue hair. "I haven't finished my story just yet." He replied, watching Kumi's bright (e/c) eyes sparkle with curiosity. You couldn't help but wonder as well. Venti's stories and the way he told them or sang them was something you would always enjoy.

Realizing you wanted to hear it too, Venti smiled at you and connected his lips with yours in a chaste kiss before his looking back to his son cradled in his arms.

"Once upon a time was a lonely bard," he began, booping Kumi's little button nose.

"He was thousands of years old and was praised by many for his tales and songs. But although he was popular, he was very much alone."

"And so it continued for another twenty years. He sang, and drank wine, hoping to wash away the emptiness of his heart and the desire to have someone.. anyone to stay with him."

You tensed up slightly where you stood while inhaling sharply before he resumed.

"One day, as he sat underneath a large tree, playing his lyre to a gentle tune, there was a girl."

Venti glanced toward you and you blushed, knowing exactly what this story was about.
Kumi grabbed Venti's finger with his chubby hand with an excited grin and Venti copied his son's smile, feeling his stomach fuzz up at the very site of his baby.

"She stared at him with such wide, beautiful eyes because she had never seen him before."

"She asked him what his name was and he told her. With the most sincere smile, she jogged towards him and sat down with him, pointing at the instrument in his hands. He told her it was a lyre and he began to pluck at the strings while singing a song."

"She cheered for him and praised his talents, like many others had done before. But there was something about this girl that he hadn't realized would change him forever."

You giggled, believing he was going over the top but to Venti, it was true. For years he thought he would forever be alone, almost even drinking his life away to end the suffering. But along came you, the light of his dark and empty tunnel, urging him to chase after you.

"The next day, she found him again sitting under the tree, this time she brought the cutest little sandwiches and shared them with the lonely bard. They ate and chatted away about their days."

"The bard never thought too much of it and knew that eventually one day, she would never return. That she would soon forget him as another memory but boy was he wrong. She visited him for weeks, to months, then years. They became the best of friends until one day, the bard had fallen in love with her. And when he told her, she said she loved him all the same."

"Two years later, they had been married. They were finally happy. But just when their love couldn't get any stronger, along came.. a baby."

Kumi blinked, his little face twisting into a joyous smile. Venti chuckled as his son began to reach his arms up to cup Venti's cheeks. "Mhm! And their baby was the cutest!"
Venti rubbed their noses together before proceeding down the hall with you following behind.

Venti continued nonetheless, knowing that his little story was slowly lulling his child to sleep.
"And as their baby grew older, he became a strong warrior who protected his family and  ever since, they have been living happily together as one loving family."

You and Venti now with Kumi who was fast asleep, carefully placed him inside the crib. Venti looked down on Kumi as he slept soundly while you linked your arms together and leant on his shoulder. Venti rested his head atop of yours and sighed. "The end.."

A smile crept at your lips when Venti finished but when you both saw Kumi stir in bed, your husband took out the lyre and began to sing.

Roses are red, dilly, dilly
Violets blue

Because you love me, dilly,dilly
I will love you

Let the birds sing, dilly, dilly
And the lambs play

We shall be safe, dilly, dilly
Out of harms way.

When Venti finished the sweet lullaby, you couldn't help but look over to him with your hands on his waist. "What is it my darling?" He teased again, making you giggle. "I love you." You told him so emotionally that his lips formed into a shaky smile.

He gently pressed his finger under your chin to guide you to his lips in a gentle kiss. It was true, the story of the lonely bard and the girl. But after hearing him tell your story in the way that he did, reminded you of how much you really loved him. He was alone and had no hope for love but then you showed up and everything changed.

The day you met was such a swift moment in time, and it scared you that had you not climbed that hill and found him under the tree that day, you wouldn't have had such a loving family. When you parted, he kissed you again. This time he stayed there for a few extra seconds before pulling away. "And I love you too." Venti whispered.

This part of your lives was only just the beginning for there would be more stories and lullabies to tell and to sing.


Yup, you guessed it. That song was from the Cinderella live action film. It's a song I hum to myself often and thought 'hey, fic idea BOOM' hence the birth of this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed!
Ps. I have a Venti Windblume fastival special coming out soon! :D

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