𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀 || 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂

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- 𝖹𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗅𝗂 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


inside the secret pavilion that the two of you had found on the outskirts of Liyue Harbor. For once, he was extremely anxious. "No, I'm sure she will say yes.. or she might think it's too early for this.." he muttered to himself before taking a breath and reaching in his pocket to grab the golden ring between his gloved fingers.

"Surely... she will say yes.."

Just a few moments after those words left his lips, a certain male arrived. "Oh? Zhongli what do you have there?" Of course, the infamous Childe. "What might I ask, are you doing here?" Zhongli spun around, slipping the ring back on his pocket. Childe cocked a brow with a smirk before folding his arms across his chest.

"You must be hiding something, and oh how convenient that you're in this beautiful pavilion."

Zhongli sent him a look of annoyance. "This does not concern you, now please leave. (Y/n) could arrive any moment." Childe shrugged, his hands flailing loosely at his sides. "I can't believe you're already getting married."

"Well not yet at least, I still haven't asked her." Zhongli replied. Childe let out a forceful puff of air from his nose, shaking his head lightly. "Good luck to you then, I guess"

"Zhongli? Are you here?"

The two men froze in their place until Childe whispered a quick: "That's my cue to leave!" And so Childe dashed away to leave the couple alone for the big surprise.

Zhongli cleared his throat as he straightened his jacket and dusted his pants. "Y-yes I'm here."

You finally made it up the hill, a soft grin on your face. "Phew." Zhongli approached you and took your hand to help you up into the pavilion since you grew tired from the hike. "Thanks." You chuckled as the two of you stepped into the  decorative building.

After catching your breath, you straightened yourself out, brushing your hair back and resting your hands on your hips, allowing Zhongli to admire your beauty. With a soft giggle, you locked eyes with his. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just you look beautiful.."

A blush rose at your cheeks, quickly tearing your gaze away from his amber eyes. "O-oh it must be my outfit.. I just got it the other day."
But Zhongli shook his head "it's not the clothes, it's just.. you."

He stepped closer, taking your hand in his and raising it to his lips, leaving a lingering kiss on top of your hand. You felt the heat rise up like a thermometer, he was just so flawless! With his perfect hair and deep amber eyes that you could so easily get lost in.

"So," you began, "what did you bring me out here for?"

Zhongli's eyes lit up, almost forgetting the very important question he was about to ask. He let go of your hand and hid his hands behind his back. "(Y/n), my dear, you are the most incredible woman I have ever met. And I am extremely fortunate to have the pleasure of loving you and being with you."

Your eyes seemed to widen as he spoke, and your hairs felt like they were standing upright.

"Everytime I spend my time with you, I feel like  I am where I belong and that I should be with you always."

"You are a fountain of good fortune, my dear." He then reached into his pocket but you paid no mind to it, you were entranced by his beauty and his words. "And so, I brought you here to ask you.. a very important question that could change both of our lives forever.."

He got down on one knee, a soft smile on his face as he revealed the beautiful golden ring, and your eyes began to well up with tears.

"Would you do the honors of becoming my darling wife?"

There it was, and you were only a word away from sealing the deal. Lifting your hands up to wipe away the tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks. "Y-yes!" You happily replied, and quickly threw yourself onto Zhongli for an embrace.

Zhongli felt tears brim at his eyes out of pure happiness but being him, he didn't allow them to slip. He brought his arms around your waist and pressed his lips onto yours, your head tilting slightly to deepen the loving kiss.

When you both separated, Zhongli took your hand and slipped the ring onto your ring finger as you were practically shaking from excitement. "I love you so very much, my dear." He spoke, cupping the side of your cheek with his free hand.

"I promise to take great care of you." You smiled so widely that your cheeks began to hurt. "And now," Zhongli chuckled lightly

"I am forever yours.."

Meanwhile Childe is watching you both from the bushes. Jk he left you two alone, he has fatui things to take care of.

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