𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗼𝘁-𝗦𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗼 || 𝖡𝖾𝗇𝗇𝖾𝗍𝗍

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- 𝖡𝖾𝗇𝗇𝖾𝗍𝗍 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


you had noticed this one boy with ash gray hair and light tan skin venturing out on his own. He was about your age from what you could tell since you never approached him. Curious, you set out to find out who this boy was and who else would know better than Katheryne, the receptionist of the Adventurer's Guild.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome, (Y/n)!" She grinned with a light wave of her hand.

"Good morning, Katheryne, can I ask you a question?" You rested your hands at your sides whilst she sent you a muddled look. "But of course, what do you need?"

You looked over to the gates of Mondstadt and spotted the young boy swinging his sword  wittily at the guards stationed out front who had glum looks on their faces. "Do you know who he is?" Katheryne followed your gaze and her smile fell, her lips forming into a thin line.

"That's Bennett."

"Bennett?" You repeated. Katheryne nodded with a soft sigh "He's an orphan, the poor boy, and is the only member of his team called 'Benny's Adventure Team' since everyone else left after experiencing the constant misfortune and bad luck that came with him."

The both of you continued to watch as Bennett let out a loud laugh before jogging off into the wilderness. You knew he was alone but after hearing the truth about who he was and where he came from, and felt bad for him. And although you didn't know him personally, you wanted to talk to him, after all you too were a lone adventurer and maybe you could work together and fill in the gap of what you were both missing - a friend.

"Okay," you breathed out "Thank you for your help." Katheryne simply nodded and without another word, you ran after him.

A few minutes pass and you still weren't able to find him and you were starting to get worried until you heard a battle cry not too far from you. And so you dashed your way to where the yelling came from and eventually found the fiery young man swinging his flaming sword towards a group of electro slimes.

"Hey!!" You yelled, causing him to snap over to your direction. But just then the large electro slime took advantage and managed to throw him off at least six feet away from them. "Argh!!!" His eyes clenched tightly as he tumbled onto the hill and down on the ground. The slimes began to approach him as he struggled to get up, but before they could get any closer, you stood between them.

"Not so fast !" You piped up, raising your sword in the air, using your hydro elemental burst ability and creating a large atmosphere around the slimes and striking them down with a shower of daggers, killing them all instantly. Bennett watched you strike a battle pose at the quick victory with a grin as the light hit you perfectly, creating a goddess-like aura around you before you turned on your heel and offered him your hand.

"Woah! That was amazing!!" He beamed, wiping a smear of dirt on his cheek whilst locking eyes with yours. "Thanks" you smiled sheepishly, resting your hand on your hip. "You're.. Bennett right?"

The boy offered you a proud smile as his eyes closed for a brief moment. "That's me!" At that moment you sort of felt he was hiding his loneliness and you shot him a sympathetic look once he winced at a sudden jolt of pain in his knees and arms. "A-are you okay?" You reached out to him as he sat back down on the grass, examining the wound on his knee.
"Yeah, I'm kind of used to this.." he hissed before reaching for his back pocket for his spare bandages and ointments.

"Wait," you halted him "let me."

Other than being a great swords woman, you were also a healer. You closed your eyes and raised your palm over him and suddenly blue waves swirled around you, creating a light stream of blue that reached for his ailments and healing them instantly. "Woah.." Bennet's eyes grew wide as each and every one of his wounds and pain disappeared from his body, causing a giddy smile to form on his lips.

"There," you chuckled, retracting your hand and in a flash Bennett got on his feet and took your hand on both of his with eyes literally sparkling, startling you. "What's your name?! You're absolutely incredible!!"

You blushed, eyes darting away from him. "I-It's nothing really hehe. A-and it's (Y/n).."

"Your skills are really impressive!! How would you like to join Benny's adventure team?!"

You were taken aback by his proposal but it was what you were silently hoping for anyway. You knew he had the heart a true adventurer, and you wanted to be there to work with him as the team he never had because of these so called "unlucky" or "constant misfortune" previous members experienced.

Maybe they were wrong and just barely believed in the young man.

You nodded, accepting his request to join him which made his eyes light up even more. "Woah! Finally I have a partner! Now I won't be so lonely anymore..." he muttered the last part under his breath but it was still clear enough for you to hear. "Hey, Bennett, Let's go take out some hillichurls."

He happily obliged and hastily tugged on your arm, leading you to a nearby camp of hillichurls.

Word eventually spread out that Bennett had found a partner to go on adventures with and Katheryne couldn't help but feel relieved as a soft giggle managed to escape her lips the moment you returned from your daily quest with Bennett jumping happily beside you, causing you to chuckle as he continued reenacting your previous battles to show Katheryne.

She was grateful now that Bennett was not so lonely after all.


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