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- 𝖠𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 -

"𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗇𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗐 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝖨 𝖽𝗈?"
- 𝖧𝗂𝗀𝗁 𝖲𝖼𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗅 𝖻𝗒 𝖴𝖬𝖨 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


Aether took deep breaths as he stood by his own locker after getting the love letter he made on that night. And it wasn't just any love letter, it was for you. To be honest, he poured his heart and soul into the writing in hopes that he was able to successfully convey his feelings toward you.

Okay, all I have to do is slide this into her locker.. he thought, hyping himself up with deep breaths which somehow failed to still his beating heart. But he was stuck in this 'hyping up' phase that he hadn't realized how long he'd just been standing there until he heard your voice from the hallway to his right.

He yelped and forced himself to quickly slip the letter inside your locker which luckily he was fast enough that you had arrived mere seconds after he did so.

The blonde boy frantically returned to his own locker, trying to peek at your reaction out of the corner of his eye. You inserted the code of your lock and twisted the small nozzle and the letter slipped onto the floor. "What the.?" You muttered, bending down to take the envelope and flipped it over to see that it had your name written on the back with italic letters and a red heart on top of it.

You checked around the area to see if anyone looked suspicious yet failed to spot the nervous boy behind you who's heart just wanted to jump out of his chest.

You bit your bottom lip, curious as to who could have possibly written the note, so after gathering your things and fixing your hair, you exited to the school grounds and sat on one of the bleachers where the senior boys were playing soccer.

You were hesitant to open it at first simply because you had never received any love letters from anyone. This was definitely new and exciting. "..here it goes," you took a deep breath and opened the envelope to see a neatly folded piece of paper.

You took it out and unfolded it to see the beautiful penmanship that littered the entire piece of paper which read:

"Dear (Y/n),

I know this is sudden but... I have feelings or you.. romantic feelings and it's been going on for a while now and I couldn't keep it to myself. But before anything else, I wanted to tell you that I admire how hard you work and genuine kindness that you show everyone. You're also very understanding and you always try to see the best in everyone. I look up to you a lot and when I realized that I found myself staring at your beauty and the adorable laugh you have, I fell in love with you. You're one of a kind and I'm so glad to have met you and If by any chance you return the feelings, I would very much like to accompany you to a date. You can pick wherever you want to go, I'll be happy as long as it's with you.

Love, Aether "

Aether.. You blushed, reading the last bit repeatedly in your head and felt yourself grin. "That's so sweet.." you whispered to yourself, placing a hand on your cheek as you got up to go home. To be honest, you had noticed Aether. He wasn't loud like any of the other boys in your class, he was more reserved and quiet which you liked about him.

As you walked off with a soft smile, Aether's eyes grew wide as he revealed himself from the side of the bleachers. He simply couldn't believe it and at the moment, he couldn't feel any more happy that it was enough for you to smile.

Aether let out a short chuckle whilst running a hand through his hair, baffled.

On that same evening after you took a shower, you plopped yourself onto the comfortable sheets of your bed and pulled the letter from your bag. The thought alone made your heart flutter, and for once, you felt special.

You then decided that tomorrow afternoon you would find Aether and accept his invitation.

When the time finally came that class would end, you quickly got up and whipped your head around to find Aether shooting you a bashful smile before forcefully dumping his things inside of his backpack to run away due to his embarrassment. It made you frown slightly but you chased after him. You kept calling his name as you both brushed past students down the flight of stairs until you caught up to him in the front yard of the school's entrance.

"Aether!!" You yelled, slumping over with your hands on your knees after the wild goose chase. The blonde froze in the spot and awkwardly turned around to face you. "S-sorry I.." he sighed, stepping forward with his head hung low. But when you finished dry heaving, you rested your hands on your hips "About that letter.." you began and Aether felt his stomach churn in anxiety.

That moment when he saw you smile at the letter the other day gave him hope but then when he woke up this morning he realized it might have just been out of the goodness of your heart and that you would reject him later in the day.

Before you could even continue, he stammered with some lame excuse that he thought would make him less pathetic. "D-don't worry about it! I know you wouldn't wanna umm go out with me or anything like that but I-It was only a dare so.." he couldn't think of anything else to say but when he forced himself to look at you, your expression fell.

"You're saying.. you didn't mean any of the words you said?" Your words trailed off at the end.

His heart dropped and his eyes widened. "Wait! No-no not at all, I did mean it!" He simply couldn't lie to you and it broke his heart that he led you to assume he was lying. "(Y/n), I swear I meant all of it!" He told you, frantically waving his hands in front of him.


He nodded, shyly looking at the ground until your shadow looked over it, causing him to look at you with flushed cheeks. "Well then, I'm glad because.. I'd love to go on a date with you." You finished with a cherry smile, and it was enough to lift his spirits.

"What? Oh gosh! Are you serious?" You nodded as he beamed with joy. "Oh.. woah umm sorry I'm just.."

You chuckled, twiddling your fingers together at how cute he looked all baffled like that. "Sorry for lying a second ago, I kinda thought you came here to reject me and I wanted to make it seem less painful than I would wish it to be.."

"You don't have to lie to me Aether." You shook your head playfully and he shyly pressed his lips together to a thin line. "But again, I'm really happy.. so thank you for this letter.. it meant a lot to me."

"Y-you're welcome.."

Later on, Aether vowed to take you home and when you arrived, you didn't hesitate to peck his cheek and he felt like he had been blessed by all the gods at once. Everything turned out perfect all because of a single love letter.

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