✦ 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗔𝗨 ~ 𝗔𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗻 || 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼

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- 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼 -

"𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝖺𝗏𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾"
- 𝗇𝗈 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖻𝗒 𝖧𝖮𝖭𝖭𝖤 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺



"Milk tea?"

"Got it."

"Chocolate chip cookies?"


You grinned with your arms resting on your sides as Diluc neatly arranged the snacks on the coffee table for your much awaited anime marathon. It had been a solid month since you and Diluc could find time together since he was so busy with his wine business but now you had an entire day free to slack off.

"Okay, so what are we watching?" Diluc asked, sitting in the couch in his white t shirt and black sweatpants. "We are going to be watching Demon Slayer!" You beamed excitedly, clicking the play button on the tv remote.

Diluc took a small sip of his milk tea, chewing on the pearl "Ah, this is the one you kept talking about last night." To which you nodded gladly, tugging down the gray sweater you borrowed from Diluc over your black cycling shorts. "Yep! I'm sure a lot of people think it's overrated but I think it just got the attention it deserved."

You opened a bag of chips before slumping down on the couch next to your boyfriend who already grabbed a slice of pizza. "Alright then, let's see why you like it so much."

You watched Diluc's expression carefully when it was the scene where Tanjiro's family was killed and his eyes grew wide in shock. "Huh." Was his simple response to the mortifying scene. You smirked, already knowing what was happening after reading the manga whilst scarfing down on your favorite potato chips.

A few episodes later, you could see how invested Diluc was just by looking at his eyes since his face never held much emotion. You leant on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around you but his eyes never tore themselves away from the screen.

Finally it was the scene where Giyuu rescued Tanjiro from a demon and you giggled, raising your finger to the characters. "Hey, doesn't he look like you?"

Diluc let out a scoff through his nose. "Yeah only his hair style."

"Geez, this Zenitsu kid is annoying.." he grumbled under his breath but it caught your ear nonetheless, making you stifle a laugh.
Later on, the chips and cookies were almost finished as you neared the last few episodes.
The room was quiet as the both of you simply watched, ate and enjoyed each other's company until you had landed on the last two episodes which introduced the pillars, the highest ranked demon slayers.

You squealed in excitement when you spotted your favorite character, Rengoku Kyoujuro who was the flame pillar.

Diluc raised a brow, his eyes darting from you to the character. "He's my favorite." You said as if it wasn't already clear. "(Y/n), he wants to kill Tanjiro. Why do you like him?" A hint of jealousy in his voice when he saw your smile and the way you watched the scene.

"Pfft later on he takes Tanjiro as his disciple or something actually. But to answer your question, it's because he also reminds me of you." You began "if he and Giyuu had a baby it would be you!"

Diluc paused for a moment and then it suddenly clicked. What you said sort of made sense. "So.. you like them because they remind you.. of me?" Diluc suddenly said, looking over to you.

"Yeah!" The soft smile on your lips was enough to melt his heart and a shaky smile formed on his lips, thinking how wholesome you were behind your reasoning. Suddenly, he had his arms fully wrapped around you in an embrace, his face nuzzling into the crook of your neck which took you by surprise.

"Diluc?" You giggled, turning your attention to him. "Why do you have to be so adorable.." he mumbled but it was unfortunately inaudible to you. "What was that?"

Diluc only held onto you tighter, forgetting about the show completely. "... nothing.." he replied, lifting his face from your shoulder to kiss your cheek.

You were confused but relished in the attention you were receiving from him which was rare at times since he was usually closed off and reserved. His eyes returned to the screen when his ear caught loud screeching from Tanjiro.

"What's happening now?" He asked as you wrapped your arms around his waist. "They're testing if his demon sister will attack Sanemi to prove if Tanjiro was right for travelling with a demon."


Once the show finally ended, you noticed the food you had laid out had been finished and you hummed in satisfaction. "This was fun.."
Diluc nodded in agreement "I enjoyed watching it with you." He said, getting up in a stretch before cleaning up with you following shortly.

You chuckled, following him to the kitchen with the empty plate in your hands. "I'm glad you liked it! Now I can send you all the memes I've saved on my phone!"

Diluc started washing the dishes with a light shake of his head. "Don't spam me while I'm at work." He briefly looked over his shoulder to you, hoping you wouldn't spam message his phone if ever he had a meeting. You rolled your eyes playfully as you tossed the trash into the trash bin and wiping the coffee table clean "Of course I won't."

"That better be a promise, (Y/n)" he urged, drying his hands from washing the plates and following you to the bedroom, switching off the apartment lights in the process. "Yeah yeah." You waved your hand dismissively as you both reached the bathroom to brush your teeth.

After finishing your necessities, the two of you dipped under the covers and huddled closely together with Diluc looking deeply into your
(e/c) orbs. "What?" You chuckled, eyes landing on his lips before returning to his eyes.
"Thank you for today.." his eyes fluttered closed followed by a soft breath through his nose.

You snuggled closer to him with a small smile. "Of course.. I love you."

Diluc then pressed a featherlight kiss to your forehead as his hand reached up to caress your cheek. Then you moved your chin up so that your lips could meet for a much awaited kiss. Your hands fell at his sides as he ran his fingers through your hair softly, making you hum in contentment.

What was supposed to be a short kiss ended up being an entire make out session as Diluc towered over your form with his arms caging you beneath him whilst your arms snaked around his neck to toy with his luscious red hair.

Sure, Diluc would often come home late but it was well worth it since it meant he got to come home and kiss you goodnight every single day. It was something he wouldn't trade for the world.

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