𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗰𝗸 𝗜𝗻 𝗔 𝗧𝗲𝗮 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲 || 𝖳𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖺

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- 𝖳𝗁𝗈𝗆𝖺 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


Doing your best not to look suspicious — which ultimately made you look even more suspicious — with a box of Thoma's favorite flavored tea cakes.

Since the ceremony, Thoma had been forced to hide in Komore Teahouse so he'd be safe from getting arrested by the soldiers, and in all honesty, the man was getting antsy about staying put. He wanted to go out and stretch his long legs under the warm sun.

Fortunately for him, you would visit every so often to bring him his favorite snacks to help make his stay less unbearable. The snacks were a bonus since he was always so glad to see you more than anything.

Finally, you got to the door and looked over the area before entering, hoping no one would come tap your shoulder and ask why you've been visiting the teahouse more often than usual or go: "hEY, aren't you Thoma's girlfriend? And why do you keep bringing pastry boxes? Are you having a party in there or something?"

Heaving out a relieved sigh, you entered the building, the relaxing warmth of the atmosphere and the smell of tea enveloping you.

In addition to the relaxing venue, you were greeted by the world's cutest shiba - Taroumaru. He wagged his tail and stuck out his tongue when he spotted you, his favorite guest asides from Thoma of course.

"Hello Taroumaru!" You grinned, approaching him and scratching under his chin and behind his ears. "I'm glad to see you."

The pup barked happily before you proceeded on towards where Thoma was staying.

"Thoma-" you chirped, only for him to zoom over with a bright smile. "(Y/n)! You're finally back!" He spoke, already taking the tea cakes from your hands. "Ooh and you brought my favorites I presume?" He eyed you cheekily followed by a small smirk as if to tease you.

Letting out a giggle, you nodded and followed him to the table. "Of course I did."

You followed Thoma to the table and sat down whilst he opened the box of your special tea cakes. His eyes scanned every one of them, unsure of which to eat first.

"So, how have you been holding up?" You asked him, leaning against your arm. The blonde let out a sigh, abruptly stopping his selecting of a tea cake. Concerned, you inches closer, hoping he would say something.

"I'm not doing too bad, but it just gets.. claustrophobic." He finally answered. "I'm so used to going outside and working, y'know, being active. And being here," he paused, taking a single tea cake out of its box and putting it on his small platter. "It's suffocating.."

After he finished, you smiled at him reassuringly, moving your hand to rest above his wrist. "I'm sorry that you're forced into hiding.. but It's where you'll be safe and I'd rather have that than have your vision taken away. You know what happens when they take it."

That last part had you feeling a little bad yourself. You were so thankful Thoma managed to escape the ceremony but what if he hadn't?

He would've forgotten all about you and that was the worst thing that could ever happen.

Thoma noticed the way your eyes glanced down to the table sadly. The gloomy atmosphere was staring to grow but he was the first to put up a smile.

"Hey, (Y/n).. You alright?" This time, he placed his hand over yours. "Hey, don't worry too much about me, I'm just glad you're here to keep me company when I need you."

Finally, you lifted your gaze as a bashful smile crept at your lips.

The two of you were silent for a brief moment in time 'till Thoma's hand moved up to your cheek, allowing you to lean into his touch. His emerald gaze was lulling you into him and before you knew it, your lips connected.

A sigh escaped his nose once his lips met yours, his shoulders grew relaxed while his head tilted slightly to deepen the kiss.

Mere seconds pass and you both part with small giggles. You sigh, leaning on his shoulder and wrapping your arms around him while Thoma rested his cheek on your forehead.

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" He suddenly spoke, making your cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Gods he was always so forward wasn't he?

"T-Thoma! You can't just kiss me and say something like that-"

The male laughed and you pulled away from him with an unamused look on your face. "Oh, my dear, sweet, innocent (Y/n)." He hummed, returning to you with a slight smirk.

"You're so easy to tease."

With a groan, you playfully rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest, now turned away from him. "I'm not gonna say I love you back after that sentence."

Another chuckle escaped from him before he spoke again.

"Well, I suppose being stuck in a tea house isn't all that bad.. as long as you're beside me."

BABES, Do you like Teppei?? That NPC in Genshin that so easily stole my heart?? Well you're in luck, because I just made a book just for him. Go check it out if you're interested!

That's all for now, take care everyone!

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