𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲 || 𝖣𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗂𝖿

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- 𝖣𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗅𝖾𝗂𝖿 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


you'd fall for a man as stoic as Dainsleif. He was always so quiet and payed little to no attention to you but still he had you weak in the knees when he did spare you a once in a lifetime glance.

But as the months went by, he had found himself growing closer to you and treated you like a delicate flower. He was so dreamy and it didn't even seem like he tried. He was just that calm and collected. While you were surprised since usually you were quite boisterous and much of an idealist - one of the many things he secretly adored about you.

Fast forward to present day and he found you reading by the fountain in the garden of your home. Surrounded by stone walls with vines and moss climbing the wall and the beautiful variety of flowers and plants made it look like it came straight from a fairytale.

The birds sung as they flew by and it further enhanced the tranquility of the scene.

Dainsleif took in a deep breath as he watched you from the gate before approaching you.
He didn't make any sound but you could feel his presence and you looked up from your book to meet his deep blue eyes.

"Dainsleif? What brings you here?" You asked, flipping over to the next page of your book. The way he walked toward you was so mesmerizing. His blonde locks bounding ever so slightly and his arms swayed so gracefully that you could mistake him for a prince.

"Good morning to you, (Y/n)." He greeted before joining you on the fountain. As you sat there, you couldn't help but blush, until suddenly his gloved hand held onto your book. "If I may," he spoke, taking the book from your hands and setting it aside. Confused, you asked him why to which he responded with his same stoic expression.

"I am to leave for Mondstadt in a few minutes."

Your hand reached up to your chest. He was leaving? Surely it didn't mean forever did it? Swallowing the lump in your throat, you timidly asked: "How long will you be gone?" It almost sounded like a plea for him to stay and it did to Dainsleif.

"I can assure you, I will not be long." He replied, feeling himself grow a little hesitant to say what he came here to tell you. "But.. fret not, for I will return."

Your eyes grew wide slightly and your cheeks burned even more so. Why was he being so charming? And as your mouth hung slightly agape, he took your hand and held it chivalrously. "D-Dainsleif?" You uttered when he began to press a delicate kiss upon your hand.

"Before I go, I must tell you something." His eyes met yours and pausing for a brief moment. "I love you ever so much."

Your heart began to pound heavily in your chest, threatening to pop out. He was professing his love for you, the man you'd least expect to fall in love with you. It felt like a dream, like it wasn't real but it was.

"And I.. couldn't help but wonder if you felt the same?" He continued, still he didn't look as nervous as he truly was deep inside.

Is he kidding? Of course you did. Without any hesitation, you shot him a gentle smile and this time you've never felt so sure about loving him. "I.. I've been in love with you for the longest time.." you confessed.

Dainsleif smiled back just as softly and proceeded to carefully reach his hand up to your cheek. With a satisfied sigh, you leant your cheek onto his palm for finally, you had the man of your dreams.

There were no more words to be said; only that the both of you loved each other deeply. He slowly inched closer to your face as his eyes landed upon your lips then to your eyes, asking if he could.

Your eyes did the same, confirming that you wanted the same thing until finally, his lips pressed against yours. A soft sigh escaped Dainsleif's nose when his lips moved in perfect sync with your own, sending a wave of comfort to wash over him. He was so relieved to know you loved him and accepted his true feelings.

His free hand went over to your elbow before slowly trailing down to your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. You hummed in delight, feeling your heart flutter with every move before he pulled away, leaving you utterly breathless.

It took you a while to open your eyes because his kiss left you in a trance; It was so gentle and sweet. His eyes met yours once more yet his hand remained on your cheek, caressing your skin softly causing you to grin

"I must get going now." He said as he got up and pressed a kiss atop your head, his lips lingering there for a moment before he proceeded to leave.

"Worry not, for I will return to you, my darling."

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