𝗔 𝗙𝗹𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀 || 𝖠𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋

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- 𝖠𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


Aether looked at the floating child known as Paimon. "Mhm! I think you should spend some time alone with her!" The blonde looked at her in disbelief. Not because she wasn't going to accompany him since the beginning of his journey in Teyvat, but because it was a picnic and he knew Paimon wouldn't pass up an opportunity to eat.

"..But as payment for not going with you, maybe.. bring a little something back for me to eat."

He spoke to soon. "Okay then, it's a deal." Aether said with a hefty sigh and closed the small picnic basket. "Great! Paimon will be looking forward to (Y/n)'s famous strawberry shortcakes!" She danced excitedly in the air while Aether shook his head. "Take care, Paimon." And with that he headed to the spot you both agreed upon two days ago.

When Aether arrived, you had already had the red and white gingham blanket on the lush grass, topped with all sorts of foods and pastries.

You noticed him and waved with a bright smile, causing his ears to burn red. You made him so flustered without even having to try. "Hey!" You beamed as he joined on you under the apple tree. "H-hey, (Y/n). You look... very cute. Today.." he couldn't even say his words right and it made you blush just knowing he desperately tried to compliment you.

"Thanks, Aether! And y'know," you winked, nudging him on the side with your elbow "you don't look so bad yourself!" Though your little tease made you chuckle, it caused him to clench his hands tightly above his lap to keep himself from throwing them on his face from embarrassment.

"Anyway-" you began, eyeing the food you prepared but Aether interrupted you by handing you the basket he brought. "I made.. some of your favorites." He said as you opened the lid and removed the packed food inside. "Aww thank you!" You suppressed the urge to leap into his arms but instead pecked his cheek before setting the empty basket aside.

"You're welcome." He smiled softly at the gesture and proceeded to rub the part of his cheek you kissed. "Wow, jade parcels? I can't believe you made this by yourself! Oh- and mushroom pizza too? You're incredible."

Please, hold the praise it's making my heart burst! The blonde practically screamed in his head.

"Well now that you're here, let's dig in!" Immediately you went for a slice of mushroom pizza and a single bite already got you humming in delight. "Mmm.. that is good."

Your love for food got Aether to chuckle as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear so it wouldn't get in the way for your pizza. "Eat it slowly, (Y/n). I wouldn't want you to choke."

You simply nodded and proceeded to take another large bite, scarfing the pizza down in a couple more bites. Aether then took a slice for himself and smiled, enjoying your company and the romantic atmosphere as you ate.

The both of you just talked about every day things, especially the part where Aether felt more like an errand boy than a hero while you retold some parts of your own battles against monsters. It was nice to just sit down, eat and share stories together without having to worry about any quests for the day.

The wind blew softly on your faces, ruffling your hair causing a soft sigh to escape your lips. "This.. this is nice."

Aether nodded in agreement as he leant his arms back to support his weight. "It's a very quiet afternoon too." You inched closer and leant on his shoulder, watching the clouds go by as the world spun slowly. "We should definitely do this more often. But don't get me wrong, adventuring is fun but it just couldn't hurt to just stop and stare at Mondstadt's beauty."

Aether blushed lightly when he felt you lean against him is comfortably which allowed him to kiss the top of your head before leaning his on yours. "Yeah and it's even better when it's with you, (Y/n)." Even though he was a nervous wreck around you at times, he always had his tender moments where he could say the most romantic things that would make your heart melt.

"You're too kind, Aether.." you told him, linking your arm with his. "But I'm glad I get to see it with you too.."

The both of you just sat there, simply being in the moment, happy and in love.

"Hey! You're back!!" Paimon twirled in the air, greeting Aether as he went up the stairs leaving to the Good Hunter. "Hey, Paimon. Here's some of the leftover shortcake you wanted." He handed her the small wrapped box and she stuck out her tongue, excited to begin eating her reward.

"So how was your date?"

Paimon might have asked a little too loudly since the people who happened to be there all turned their gazes onto the flustered traveler with curious looks. "Paimon! Don't-"

"Aether? I didn't know you went out with (Y/n) today." Lisa coed, followed by a very curious Jean and Kaeya. And Kaeya of course, had a smug look on his face. "Oh? How did it go then?" He asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"I-it went just fine!" He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm so happy to see you and (Y/n) going strong." Jean complimented, placing a hand on her chest with a slight curtsy. Aether's eyes were practically swirling. He didn't want to have to tell everyone about his date but it looked like he wouldn't escape it this time. After all, he was always going to be a flustered mess whenever it came to you.

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