𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗕𝗮𝗿𝗱 || 𝖵𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂

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༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


that stood inside Mondstadt with a rather blank face, but if you looked a little closer, it held a slight hint of sadness. He rested his hands on his lap and lightly swayed his legs back and forth precariously over the fingers of the statue. After losing his friend all those thousands of years ago, he knew himself that he couldn't get attached to anyone because they would eventually pass away as he continued to live on as the Lord Barbatos.

Being immortal certainly made him all the wiser but as he continued living, he would see each and every one of his friends eventually age and die, leaving him mostly alone.

For a God who was well-praised around Mondstadt, he was lonely.

You had just finished your daily commissions and received your rewards from Kathryn before deciding to pay a visit to the cathedral to visit Barbara. As you made your way up the long stairways, you spotted a figure from the corner of your eye, seated at the hands of the anemo archon statue.

Venti? He's up there again?

You knew he was the Lord Barbatos during your adventures with Lumine/Aether and eventually found out that whenever he was dispirited or down, he'd sit right there to feel the free blowing wind ruffle through his hair.
Taking note of this, you decided to take a detour and check up on him like you always did.

Once you reached the foot of the statue, you lifted your chin up to see him there before making the climb.

"Venti." You called through tired breaths after finally pulling yourself up to the arm.
"Oh, (Y/n), hello!" He piped up, slight sadness laced in his voice. Your brows knitted together whilst you gingerly balanced your way to sit next to him. "Are you alright?"

He kept silent for a moment until finally replying. "Yes, I'm.. fine." His words trailed of at the end. Concerned for his well-being, you placed a hand on his shoulder and he tensed up at the simple touch. "Venti, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
Little did you know, that was exactly the problem. He couldn't allow himself to confide in anyone about his true feelings because he would grow attached and saying goodbye would be even more difficult.

"Yes, I know thanks!" Was his cold response, faking a smile and silently asking you to leave so he wouldn't crave your attention and time any longer. Your heart cracked at the tone of his voice yet somehow, it made you quite angry. "You need to stop pushing me away like this every time I come find you." Your voice came out harsher than you thought but hopefully it would help him wake up and realize you were there for him. "(Y/n), I never intended to-"

"Why won't you let me talk to you? Do you not trust me at all?" Your lips formed into a thin line, tearing your gaze away from him to your legs. Venti wanted to tell you all the bottled up feelings he had stored for years but another part of him held him back. "(Y/n)..." was all that managed to come out of his mouth, not knowing what he could possibly say.

"Look, I really want to help you, Venti.."

Since he usually emotionally distanced himself from the comrades of his past, this was the first time he heard these kinds of words from anyone and it was getting too dangerous to handle and yet, he looked over his shoulder to you with a look of disbelief, his eyebrows slightly narrowed with his eyes beginning to glaze with tears.

"I know how much you've gone through and I don't want you to face it alone like you always have." Your eyes met his, a fiery look of determination within them before quickly taking his hand between both of yours. "Venti, I care about you okay?"

For once, he pushed away all the things pulling him back from telling you, fully allowing himself to open up to you with a grateful smile. "Thank you, (Y/n)." You copied his smile, keeping a tighter grip on his hand causing him to blush lightly. Then there was a brief moment of silence until Venti opened his mouth to speak. With that, he told you everything, from being reluctant to get close with anyone, and all the reasons after it.

You took in his words and formulated things in your mind to say back to him. "... that's about it.." he finished, ending it with a forced chuckle. As usual, his eyes closed when he smiled but you still felt rather sad for him and the fact he'd been harboring these feelings for thousands of years and only now let them out.

"But you know," you started, your hands now resting on your lap "Those good memories you've spent with the people you've grown close to are a gift."

"When they're gone, of course you'll be sad but it would have all been worth it in the end, having the luxury to share moments with them wether it be sad or happy. It's.. what you call living." You finished, eyes looking into the now resting sun that shot rays through the clouds, making it mix into beautiful pinks, oranges and purples that were painted into the sky.

"People never truly leave you, the moments shared with them will remain in your heart and will continue to live on as beautiful memories."

It felt as though a weight had been lifted from Venti's shoulders and was reminded of how beautiful life was and how thankful he was that it was you that stopped to pull him back and appreciate everything before it's gone.
A soft smile reached your lips as you stared into the open sky until you caught Venti with his eyes on you.

You chuckled, feeling your heart flutter and your spine tingle as a soft wind blew through your (h/c) hair. Venti smiled, placing his hand over yours,

"then, I guess we'll keep making happy memories."

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