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𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬 𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗣 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗪𝗔𝗬- 𝖲𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁𝖾 -

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- 𝖲𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗆𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁𝖾 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺


Of where you were currently sleeping, the curtains were pulled back halfway in the empty recovery room where a single chair and table sat next to the bed. It had been a long night for you and a lot of people, but mostly for one particular man.

The door to your room opened, the sound of the jittery doorknob echoed through the room as Scaramouche stepped inside after having his breakfast downstairs.

His eyes were baggy and his body slouched ever so slightly. It was clear he didn't get any sleep after last night's events, and even if he was given the chance to rest his eyes, he just couldn't fall asleep.

Not after what happened to you.

He inhaled deeply, doing his best to ignore the smell of antibiotics which lingered in the stuffy hospital air as he looked at you.

Though the blanket covered above your chest, Scaramouche could just about tell how weak you appeared to be. Your hair was messily sprawled over the pillow, your lips were cracked and your skin was flushed of its usual color, far from what you used to look like on a daily basis.

With a heavy sigh, Scaramouche then took the chair next to your bed and sat down. He looked so tired and so deprived of sleep and energy. Even breathing felt too heavy. But he had to stay awake and by your side till you woke up.

About an hour or so later, you started to slowly wake up. Your head rolled to the side of the cold pillow and you could feel the tips of your fingers regaining their movements.

This alerted Scaramouche, his eyes beaming wide from his tired state when you're eyes peeled open and readjusted to the rooms lighting.

"..hello?" You croaked, eyes trailing to the man seated next to your bed.  "Scaramouche?"

"H-hey (Y/n), it's me." He smiled tenderly. Even though Scaramouche was known to be cold and cruel towards most people, he always he'd a particular soft side to the girl he cared about most. Clichè as it was, it was true and he didn't even care if people saw how much he cared.

"I'm so glad your awake-"

"I... why am I here? I-is this a hospital?"

His smile dropped as quickly from when it appeared, and worry flooded his mind because of what he was about to tell you.

"(Y/n).. you don't remember what happened last night?"

You glanced toward him from examining the hospital room, your eyes practically asking for an answer. Scaramouche scooted his chair closer and slowly took hold of your hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your skin.

But again he was interrupted by the look of shock which now filled your eyes.

"W-wait... somethings wrong." You trembled with your words and your heart hammered against your chest. "I-I cant.."

"I.. I cant feel my leg!"

Tears already glazed over your eyes and rolled down your face. "(Y/n) wait-!" Despite Scaramouche's attempts to stop you so he could explain, you already pulled the blanket away from your body and exposed your right leg which wasn't really your leg.

It was a mechanical one.

Your chest heaved as you began to register what happened. There was a car accident. It was raining and you ran across the busy road.

"(Y/n)! Please relax-!" Scaramouche got up and tried to grab hold of your shoulders but you continued to cry and stare at your now prosthetic leg.

Not knowing what else to do, Scaramouche wrapped his arms around you firmly. His chin rested on top of your head as he attempted to soothe you with whispers.

"M-my leg! W-why?! How could this be?!!" You continued to sob, completely falling apart in Scaramouche's arms. You could feel the slight ache from where your leg had been severed and the unfamiliar feeling of the prosthetic leg attached to you.

You shut your eyes and clung to Scaramouche's arms. He was the only comfort you had, he was the only thing keeping you from losing sanity, he was the post you held onto against the strong winds.

"I know.. I know and I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!" He continued to utter sweet nothings to your ear as he rocked you back and forth, he did his best to soothe and comfort you in any way to make everything less painful.

"It's gonna be okay.. I promise everything is going to be okay... I'm here, I'm here for you."

You relaxed soon enough but Scaramouche still held onto you. Your breathing was still ragged, but your heart beat slowed down just a bit. "Why..." you sniffled "I-I'm useless now.. I cant.. I cant do anything anymore.. I cant run, jump.. or anything.. it's hopeless."

Immediately Scaramouche pulled away from you and grasped your shoulders, his head shaking in disagreement.

"No! No, don't say that!" He began "don't ever say that!"

From your shoulders his hands went up to hold your face. "This doesn't mean your life is over, (Y/n). You're going to get better and everything will be just like it was before."

You shook your head as a few more tears rolled down your cheeks. "But.. it can't be like before! I cant.. it won't be the same!! I've lost my leg! What do you expect me to do?!!"

"Enough!" He yelled abruptly, his head dipping down to avoid looking at your angered and distraught eyes. "You're stronger than this, (Y/n). You cant just give up like that!!"

Your breath hitched and you're stomach dropped as Scaramouche continued to speak.

"I know it's tough. I cant imagine what kind of pain your growing through right now and I won't pretend like I do, but you just can't give up!!"

He looked back up at you with a determined look on his face. "I'm gonna be right here by your side, okay? I don't care how long it takes till you can walk again, I will be here! Even if it means I need to carry you to where you wanna go, I'll do it okay?! Until I can see you run, jump and dance again, I'll be here."

Your lips trembled and a new set of tears flowed down your face. A feeling of relief and safety enveloped you when he finished. Scaramouche's expression never faltered until you allowed yourself to fall back onto him, your face planted over his chest.

Your fingers reached up and tightly clenched onto the fabric of his shirt as you cried.

"Do you really mean that?" You whimpered, though it was muffled, Scaramouche could hear you just fine.

He relaxed and embraced you tightly before pressing a lingering kiss to the top of your head.

"Of course I do, (Y/n). I promise to be here for you every step of the way.."

You sobbed quietly as his cheek rested on your head, holding you so tightly if it helped, knowing full well he'd stay true to everything he said. You were thankful, no, extremely thankful to hear such powerful words escape from Scaramouche.

He really was something else and you were so grateful to have him be by your side even after seeing you at your breaking point.

He rubbed his hand soothingly on your back and pressed multiple kisses to your forehead, whispering more comforting words for you to  hear.

"I'm here, I'll always be here.. no matter how long it takes.."

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