𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗕𝗲 𝗠𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗬𝗼𝘂 || 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗒𝗎𝗇 ~ 𝖲𝗈𝗇𝗀𝖿𝗂𝖼!

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- 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗇𝗀𝗒𝗎𝗇 -

- 𝖱𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖡𝖾 𝖬𝖾 𝖶𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖸𝗈𝗎 𝖻𝗒 𝖲𝗍𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗇 𝖴𝗇𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌𝖾 -

༻ ━━━━━・•͙✧⃝•͙ ★ •͙✧⃝•͙・━━━━━༺

I'd rather be tall, I'd rather be smart

Today was the day Chongyun planned to tell you how he felt about you after liking you for so long. The two of you were like two peas in a pod, being best friends since childhood and because of your elemental reactions; you with hydro and him with Cryo.

You were cosmically perfect for each other.

I'd rather be sure you know I care

He sat on a barrel by the docks of Liyue harbor,  eating a ice popsicle as he waited for you to arrive. As he nibbled on the frozen treat, a small blush coated his cheeks, wondering if he was brave enough to tell you how he truly felt about you and would you feel the same? He certainly hoped so but if not well then, that sucks.

Wherever you go,

These thoughts continued to swarm his mind and almost got him to get into his manic state which would usually happen if he was wearing warm clothing or eating something spicy but was ultimately halted due to you calling out for him.

Whatever you start,

"Hey! Chongyun!" You piped up, jogging over to him with your hand waving above your head. "O-oh! (Y/n)!" He smiled as he hopped off the barrel to give you a hug which you gladly accepted.

You chuckled as his arms wrapped around your waist. The short embrace only lasted a few seconds but to Chongyun it felt like twenty. (Yes, I quoted Ice Age-)

I'd rather be sure you know I'm there

"So," you smiled, resting your hands at your sides. "What was it that you wanted to do today? Maybe hunt some treasure hoarders or maybe some hilichurls?"

Although he had been around you for the majority of his life, he couldn't help but feel quite nervous around you. "Actually, there was something I really wanted to t-tell you." He squeaked. You cocked a brow, "Is it important?" And he nodded, avoiding your gaze.

I'd rather I always be a part of whatever you do

"Alright then, what is it?"

Chongyun then took your arm and turned around, confusing you slightly. "I can't say it here, follow me." But before you could properly respond, he already started running, practically dragging you.

It was quite the run since you made it out of Liyue and onto the small cliff that overlooked the entire harbor. It looked absolutely stunning now that that sun had only begun to set.

I'd rather be me with you

Chongyun was finding it difficult to fight himself from switching into his manic self and burning up so he grew even more nervous by the second. You sat down on one of the boulders next to Chongyun and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Yunnie, are you feeling okay?"

He felt his ears and cheeks burn after hearing the nickname you gave him. And to be completely honest, you were starting to grow nervous yourself. Thinking whatever he had to say that was so important that he brought you all the way here must be something either really bad or maybe a confession.

Wherever we go

You too had developed feelings for him but fearing that it might damage your friendship, you decided to lay low and hope he would feel the same and confess to you first.

"Y-yeah I'm alright, I'm just not sure how you would react to what I'm about to say right now." Chongyun replied, staring at his feet.
"You'll never know till you try" you giggled, retracting your hand from his shoulder.

I already trust

"Okay then, here it goes.." he whispered to himself before twisting his body so he was facing you and locking eyes with yours, causing the both of you to blush. "(Y/n), I like you." He said a little loudly.

Your eyes widened but he wasn't finished yet.
"I have for a long time now and I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.. you're just incredibly fantastic and nobody understands me the way you do... that and because you're.. really pretty.." his words trailed off at the end followed by him dipping his chin down.

I'd know what to do if it were us

"Yunnie!" You grinned before throwing your arms around him in a big embrace. "I like you too!!"

Chongyun couldn't believe his ears as his arms hastily went around you to accept the hug. Fighting the crazy and chaotic side of him was getting the better of him as his entire face turned such a bright red.

I'd know what to say

He kept silent when you pulled away from the hug, your smile shifting into a look of worry once you saw the state he was in. And so you cupped his cheeks and looked him dead in the eyes. "Yunnie, calm down."

I'd know how to be

His body was shaking, he was ecstatic you felt the same but he just felt like running, jumping and swinging his gigantic claymore around. He hadn't responded to any of your calls since his chaotic side was charging up.

I'd know your entire syllabus

Taking note of this, you reached into your pocket and opened the wrapper of Chongyun's favorite candy before quickly popping it into his mouth. Not long after, he was back to his normal self. His cheeks less red and his eyes less wide.

I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do

"(Y/n)?" He meekly called and you chuckled, cupping his cheeks. "What happened?" He asked. "Don't worry about it" you shook your head lightly before pressing your forehead against his.

If I could be

"I'm glad you felt the same way, Yunnie. I thought you'd never like me." You spoke with eyes closed as Chongyun did the same. "How could I not like you? You're incredible."
He sighed, thinking of all the times you did those stunning leaps and dodges during battle that made you look like you were dancing.

You then pulled away, stealing a quick glance towards Chongyun, inching closer. Your radiant beauty seemed to have pulled him in as his eyes flutter closed to lean closer and just like that, the sun had touched the horizon at the exact moment your lips had met.

I'd rather be me with you

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